Chapter 8 - Mr Windstorm

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"Who the fuck are you and what do you want with me?" The man grunted angrily behind a glass window.
"Mr Windstorm? You can call me Agent F, and this is my partner, Agent C. We've come to ask you a few questions about how you ended up in this predicament of yours. Is that alright?" The shorter guy asked, folding his hands out in front of him.
The older man straightened up, glaring at the two figures on the other side of the glass. "I ain't telling you assholes shit! How do I even know I can trust ya?"
"Believe me sir, I understand your suspicions, trust me I would be dumbfounded too. But it has come to me and my associates attention that one of our former employees, who went by the name of Roger Stanford, has a connection to your offspring, Y/N M/N Windstorm. We just want to get some information from you about the two." Explained Agent F.
"Y/N!? That's traitor is not my daughter! She chose that freak over me, your own father!" Mr Windstorm yelled, slamming his fists against the desk.
Agent C cleared their throat. "Ah hem, this freak you speak of, what did it look like?"
"He was a fuckin robot! A zombie! A serial killer! He grabbed me by the throat and kidnapped my daughter! That monster deserves to rot in Hell for his sins!" Exclaimed Windstorm, clutching his desk tightly. "I will not rest until that mother fucker is dead!"
"And you have every right to feel that way sir, and that's actually why we're here. My partner and I want to help you get revenge on this man. Because this man you speak of is who we're searching for. The fazbear killer to be exact. He needs to pay the price for his actions against humanity, but we need your help to do that." Agent F went on. "So tell me sir, what do you know about this anomaly?"
Mr Windstorms eyes widened, before squinting back down into a glare. He leaned in, covering the side of his mouth with his hand.
The two agents leaned into him as well, trying to listen in.
"Go fuck yourself." Whispered Windstorm, before sitting back up.
"Excuse me!?" Agent F coughed.
"You think I'm that fuckin stupid? Why in Gods name would you want to help me? I tried to kill that pretty little employee of yours." Windstorm reminded them.
Agent C shook their head. "Look Mr Windstorm, we know it sounds far fetched, but we really need your assistance. You knew your daughter best, did you not? Wherever she is, that's where he is as well. To our knowledge the two are involved, more than you may know. Though it's not written on paper, your daughter and Stanford are married. But because it's not a legal binding agreement, we have quite few clues to go off of."
"They're what!?" Windstorm leaned back, trying to process what had just been told to him. "Y/N and that thing are together, together!? What a repulsive act!"
After a little while settling down, Windstorm spoke up. "I want that skunk dead, so if what you two jackasses are saying is true, than I will give you any information I have to you, but only on one condition."
The two agents nodded. "Anything you desire, Mr Windstorm." Agent F agreed.
"I want to be the one to end his life. I want to kill that abomination myself." Said Mr Windstorm, staring at the two partners.
Agent C proceeded to whisper something into F's ear, before the two turned back to the older man.
"Done." Responded Agent F. "Now tell us, what dirt do you have on Roger Stanford?"

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