Chapter 25 - On My Way

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I knew I had no plan, but I didn't care. Springtraps safety was more important to me than anything.
My husbands capable of taking care of himself physically, but I knew he wasn't able to mentally. Though if I walked in on him surrounded by the dead bodies of his kidnappers, could I really blame him? I suppose it'd be better, lord knows if he doesn't I will.

I parked my car a few blocks away, keeping a distance between me and the pizzeria.
Slowly, I pulled myself out of the car, making my way towards the back. I propped the trunk of my car open, revealing a couple things I had gathered for my mission. And by a couple things, I meant an axe, a gun, and pepper spray, the very same one I'd used on Springtrap all those years ago.
I heaved a sigh, messily tying my hair up and out of my face, alongside cocking my gun, shoving it in the holster on my belt. The pepper spray I placed in my front pocket, with the axe hanging off my back. If a passing pedestrian saw me, they'd surely think I'm insane.
I slammed the trunk shut, a fury of anger and determination glowing in my E/C eyes. "Hang in there darling, your knight in- normal clothes- is coming." I said, before turning and making my way towards the pizza place.

I noticed the very same van parked in the back of the parking lot. This had to be the right place.
I pressed myself up against a tree, before continuing my way forward.
I found myself standing up against the outside walls. I peered in through a nearby window, though it was kinda hard, as most of them were boarded off since the place was still being 'renovated'.
I waited a bit to hear anyone, but no voices were heard. So I decided it was time.
Without another thought, I pulled my axe off my back and proceeded to use it to break apart the wooden boards to get inside.
After I had made a whole big enough, I quietly tried to break the glass. Again I waited a bit to hear anyone. Still nothing.
I pulled myself up and though the window, landing carefully inside the run down building.
There was barely any light, just a few flicking ceiling lamps illuminating somewhat of a path.
Quietly, I tiptoed forward, trying my best to make zero noise.

The sound of incoming footsteps filled my ears.
Quickly, I leapt behind a doorway, covering my mouth with my hands to quiet my breathing.
"So what gonna happen now, Bonnie?" An unfamiliar voice questioned.
"Until we find those other people who know about Springtrap, there's not much we can do." Answered a feminine voice. "The boss told me he's waiting on approval from the higher up for when we'll take care of Stanford."
The other figure grunted. "We should just take him out already."
"We can't, Foxy." Argued Bonnie. "We need to use him as leverage to get his pretty little lady here and friends here."
"And if they don't come?" Asked Foxy.
Bonnie sighed. "We'll just have to take them out on our own."
My heart stopped, while the two figures footsteps disappeared.
"God damn it." I angrily whispered to myself. "Stay safe, Springy. I'm on my way."

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