Chapter 6 - Who The Hell Is Stanford?

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I adjusted the purple bow, trying on get it on tightly.
Earlier, during one of the performances, the female cat animatronic known as Cindy had her bow fall off in front of the audience. Shortly after she was brought to my attention in order for me to attend to her.
Work had been pretty mild for awhile now, not much fixing needed to be done recently, as I had been doing a pretty damn good job at keeping things organized and up to date.

"Y/N!" I heard Shannon call. "You almost done with Cindy there?"
I heaved a sigh, wiping the sweat from my forehead, before setting my wrench down and wiping my dirty hands against my pants. "Yep, she should be good now."
"Great." Shannon said, walking towards the cat animatronic. "I'll take this Kitty back out to the stage as soon as I can. In the mean time, I heard Francis was looking for you."
I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Oh, okay. I guess I will go find him." I stuttered, making my way out of my repair station.

It didn't take long for me to find Francis leaning against a wall near the break room.
"Ah, Y/N. Just the darling I was looking for." He greeted, staring over at me.
"Please don't call me that. Only my husband is allowed to call me that." I grunted, crossing my arms.
Francis chuckled, his hands in his pockets. "Hehe right, your husband. Actually that's who I wanted to talk with you about. Your husband seems like a strange fellow."
"Cut the shit." I ordered. "You've done nothing but pressure me about my love life since you got here. So tell me, what is it you're really hoping to get out of me?" I questioned angrily.
Francis smirked, straightening up. "You catch on quickly, don't ya Y/N? Perhaps that's why Scott loves you so much." He stepped towards me, beginning to get up in my face. "Or is that even really your husbands name?"
"Where do you get off at, Francis. Or is that even your real name?" I argued back.
The shorter man stared slightly up at me, smiling menacingly. "You've got a lot of spunk to ya, don't ya Y/N? You have the personality only a serial killer could love."
I had, what felt like, a growl coming up my throat. "What are you getting at? If you're trying to get me to spill something about my personal life, then I'd watch where you point your nose. I'm not easily manipulated like you think I am." I eyed the man.
Francis leaned in, whispering in my ear. "That's funny, cause as far as I know you seemed to be easily used. Your father for example."
I felt something in me snap, as I latched my hand onto Francis' wrist, clutching tightly in my grip.
"Be careful there Miss Windstorm, or is it Mrs Stanford now? Did you have your last name changed? I suppose only you would know, right?" He smirked wickedly up at me.
I sneered at the brown haired man, a blaze of fury burning in my E/C eyes.
"Have hope Y/N. You're gonna need it." Francis finished, before padding off down the hall.
I watched him walk away, as my heart beat began to slow back down to its normal pace. Something wasn't right with that guy. He clearly knew more than what he was leading on. And who the hell is Stanford?

No Retakes (Springtrap X Reader) (Springtrap & Deliah)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz