Chapter 49 - Option A

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⚠️Suicide warning⚠️
Tears rain down my face, as I stared into the eyes of my beloved.
Springtrap's been there for me through trial and error, tribulation and tears. He showed me what it felt like to truly be loved. I could never imagine my life without him in it.
But River, they were so young and had so much life left to live. They saved me. If it weren't for their warning I'm not sure I'd even be standing here. They'd done enough for me that I was able to consider them a friend.
The only question that remained in my head was whether my lover was more important than a friend.

My gaze danced over towards River. They had red staining the surroundings of their eyes from the water that flowed down, soaking the rag that forbidden them from speaking.
"Oh River." A soft tone broke through the roughness of my voice. "How did you get yourself tangled up in this mess?"
I closed my eyes, dropping my head.
"Springtrap." I began. "Thank you. Thank you for being the light in my dark life. You stood by my side for so so long. You've done so much for me. Saving me from an abusive relationship, risking your life to protect mine, making the tough decision to leave behind your old life in favor of starting a new one with me. Those were such brave acts, and you've continued to show me why I fell in love with you. You're the reason I crawl out of bed in the morning. Seeing your eyes flicker open under the morning rays of sunshine, and that fuzzy feeling I get deep in my stomach when you wrap your arms around me first thing when you power on. I love you Springtrap, and I always will." My long speech came to an end, my heart beating with the thought of that beautiful rabbit pulling me in for a good morning kiss.

A laugh broke out from Henry. "That was really beautiful Y/N. Just heart wrenching. I myself almost shed a tear." He snickered some more. "But my time is money, so what's it gonna be?"
I smiled softly, though I struggled not to make eye contact with River.
"My husbands my number one priority, so please let him come home with me." I answered.
The older man smirked. "Very well."
There wasn't even a moment of silence among the two of us, before Henry pulled the trigger of my gun.
A flash of silver protruded from the fire arm, sending a splash of red out of Rivers skull.
The former agents lifeless body flopped to the ground, their crimson liquid pouring out onto the tiles.
A bloody scene was displayed before me, and I was the cause for this horrific scene. The ending of Rivers life fell upon my shoulders, and that guilt was something I would have to live with for the rest of my days.

There was a clank of metal. I turned to see Springtraps restraints had been lifted.
The golden robot raced to my side, his arms being thrown around me.
"Oh Y/N!" He cried, pulling the rag off his mouth. "My sweet sweet Y/N!"
There was a sense of numbness forming around my heart. The dread of Rivers death was starting to sink in. I'd killed River. It was my fault. But hadn't it always be that way? It had always been my fault for all the bad things that happened in my life. Was this my eternal hell? I was allowed to have Springtrap, but I had to sacrifice the others around me? Was Springtraps life worth more to me than the entire earth?
Springtrap cupped my bruised up face in his hands. "Y/N darling, please look at me!" He pleaded.
I stared up at my husband, a frown still present on my face. "Hey, sweetheart." Was all I could get out.

Another sound of footsteps echoed throughout the room.
The voice of my father ran through my ears.
"What the fuck!" He yelled, clearly seeing the mess I had created.
Springtrap growled at the sight of my dad. "You asshole!" He shouted, standing up. "You did this!"
The animatronic stomped his way towards my dad, picking him up by the collar of his shirt. "Are you happy!? Rivers dead, Y/N's hurt, and I'm feeling a great urge to rip your fucking tonsils out of your throat!"
My dad choked on his words, trying to form a sentence. "I-I didn't mean for anyone but you to get hurt." He defended himself. "B-besides, you should have left my daughter alone a king fucking time ago, you oversized golden hunk of junk!"
Springtrap threw my dads heavy form to the floor, scuffs and scars covering his skin.
"You are the living incarnation of Satan, you dead beat father figure fuck up! I'm gonna skin you alive, and then I'm gonna push you down a flight of stairs, you sorry excuse for a human being!" My husband's voice roared.

There was an ever growing darkness consuming me. Despite being surrounded by multiple people, I felt so alone. I could barely remember that last time I felt this much pain.

"Y/N, sweet face, please, come closer." My mothers frail figure instructed.
I padded forward, staring up at her cold expression. "Yes mom?"
She grasped my hand tightly, holding it close to her heart. "Be good for me, okay? And promise me no matter what happens, you'll always be my sweet little girl."
I nodded. "Of course mom, I promise."
My mother smiled, pulling back.
That horrible noise sounded. A straight line shown on the heart monitor, and a group of doctors raced into the room.
All the nights after that were a blur. Just tears and emptiness got me through those days, if you could even call that getting through.
But none of that mattered now. I had broken a promise. Actually I'd broken multiple promises. I was no longer a good little girl. I was a sick delusional person, with no more emotion left in the spot that used to be called a heart.

The shimmer of a glass shard caught my eye. I reached over, loosely picking up the sharp piece.
A soft chuckle escaped through my numbness. "A life for a life, they say. But can you really call it that if you were never living in the first place."
Was this what my destiny was? Removing myself from the picture? Maybe not, but I was willing to accept anything at this point.
I placed the shard up against my neck, holding it there for a few seconds.
I pressed the cold glass into my throat. "Life is death."

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