Chapter 14 - More Ways Then One

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I tiptoed towards my window, peering out through the curtains to get a good look at the people.
However, I was surprised to find a taller lady with short brown hair pulled up in a bun.
I reached for the doorknob, turning it to open the door.
"Hello?" I greeted, looking slightly up at her.
"Good afternoon Y/N Windstorm, my name is Bethany. I'm with the FFP, Families, friends, and people. Do you mind if I come in to ask you a few questions?" She asked, tapping the pen she was holding against the clipboard.
I looked back into the living room, before turning back to the woman. "Uh, pardon me, but what is this for?"
She smiled. "It's no problem at all. The FFP is a service dedicated to bringing our small communities closer together through familiar connects among peers." She explained.
I anxiously rubbed the back of my neck. "I mean, do I have to?" I asked, running my fingers through my hair. "Sorry, it's just I'm a bit busy today."
"Oh don't worry, I just wanna ask a few questions and then I'll be on my way." She responded.
I heaved a sigh, opening the door wider. "Come in." I caved, allowing her into my house.

"You can take a seat on the couch." I offered.
She nodded, patiently taking her spot on the sofa, crossing her legs one over the other, and holding her clipboard up, ready for my answers.
She clicked her pen. "Alrightly, I'm ready whenever you are."
"Okay." I said. "Go on."
Bethany cleared her throat. "How long have you lived in the area for?"
"About 1 year." I answered.
She wrote something down before continuing. "Okie dokie, and how many people live in your household?"
I swallowed hard. "J-just me." I replied.
She nodded slightly. "Any pets?"
I shook my head.
"Okay, and any close relatives?" She asked.
I thought about my aunt and cousins. They were the only people I had ever been truly close with, at least since my mother passed away. "My aunt and two cousins are probably my closest. My father and I don't get along, and my mother is deceased." I explained quietly.
"I'm sorry for your loss." Bethany pitied me.
I brushed a strand of hair back behind my ear. "It's fine. She passed away when I was young, but I'm doing better now. I know that's all she wanted for me."
Bethany gave me a soft and warm smile. "I'm sure she did." She looked back down at her clipboard. "Next question, are you or have you ever been engaged or married."
This question confused me. Why did she need to know about my love life? "No." I spoke. "I've never been either of those."
She seemed like she didn't quite believe me, but she nodded anyways. "Alright, last question." She began. "Have you ever been in any criminal activities or charges?"
My dad was in prison. He tried to kill Springtrap, and he would have if he could of. Harry called the police, lying and telling them that my father attacked me out of anger for leaving. He was arrested on charges of attempted murder and sentenced to 20 years.
I remembered sitting there while those cops asked me multiple questions about the situation. Yet the only thing I yearned for in that moment was to be in Springtraps arms.
"Y/N?" Bethany questioned. "Miss Windstorm?"
My eyes widened, looking back up at her. "S-sorry. I kinda zoned out there for a second, didn't I?" I stuttered. "Um, I was involved in my fathers arrest 2 years back, but I had no charges placed upon me since I was the victim." I explained.
She nodded, writing something down, before standing to her feet. "Looks like we're done here today Y/N."

I stood up, leading her towards the door. "O-kay, I suppose you'll use that information for good purposes?"
Bethany turned back to look at me once more before leaving. "Of course Miss Windstorm. After all, FFP is all about bringing closer communities together, in more ways than one."

No Retakes (Springtrap X Reader) (Springtrap & Deliah)Where stories live. Discover now