Chapter 48 - The Choice Is Yours

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"So what, you gonna kill me now!? Kill me in front of the one person who finally showed me what it felt like to be loved!?" I screamed, still struggling to stay on my feet despite the amount of pain that wrapped my body.
Henry turned his neck slightly, to stare back at me. "No, that'd be to easy. If I'm going to make both of you hurt like I did, than we're gonna have to play my way." He replied, fully facing me now.
"Tell me Y/N, what was the reason for you coming here in the first place?" Asked Mr Emily, his hands gently folded behind his back.
Multiple heaves came from me, as I thought back to the whole reason I'd ended up in this situation. "I-I wanted to protect a friend of mine. They saved m-me. It was the right thing to do." I answered.
Henry nodded. "And now look where that got you. You put the life of your lover on the line to save a mere enemy. Was this person really so important that you had to drag your husband into this? Why couldn't you have come here on your own?"
My eyes darted over to Springtrap's than back to Henry's. The sudden realization of what I had done was more painful than the hole in my shoulder.
"This is all my fault." My voice cracked. "I brought Springtrap here. I put him in danger." I shook my head. "But I was trying to protect River!"
Henry let out a quiet laugh. "You were, yet this is the result?" He took a couple paces forward, grasping my face in one of his hands. "This is all your fault, Y/N. You're husbands trapped here with me because you had to be some so-called hero."
He turned my head towards Springtraps dangling body. There was an expression of pain and regret shining in his purple eyes.
I closed my eyes, trying to hold back more tears. "You're right." I said. "I brought this upon myself."
The ruffed up man pulled back, raising a hand. "That you did. But while we're here, I suppose you'd like to know what happened to your dear friend, River."

With a snap of his fingers, a third light sparked. There sat River on the cold floor with a rag wrapped around their mouth and a ropes restricting their movement.
I threw my hands over my mouth, another knife being stabbed into my heart.
There were muffled screams coming from River's beaten up figure.
"Now Y/N, this is the part of the show where you have a chance to make a choice. However, I regret to inform that regardless of what you pick someone won't be walking out of here alive." The cactus faced man explained, gesturing with his hands. "Option A, River dies and you and your lover boy are free to leave. Option B, Roger dies and you and River are free to leave. Or option C, you die and these two leave." His gaze burned a hole in my soul. "The choice is yours."
I stood shaking, my hands fidgeting, and the hair on the back of my neck twitching. Regardless of what I picked, someone would end up dead, and it was up to me to decide who that person would be.
Henry blinked. "Just give me the word, Y/N. And I'll pull the trigger."

No Retakes (Springtrap X Reader) (Springtrap & Deliah)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin