Chapter 27 - Ring Ring

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I snuck my way through the endless corridors of this run down pizzeria. All I wanted was to be in bed at home with my husband, the sound of soft rain hitting the window. But no. I was rummaging around a god damn kids pizza place trying to find my furry lover.

"Freddy!" The voice of Bonnie screamed, stomping her way down the hall.
I hid beneath a table, trying to keep my breathing quiet so they wouldn't hear me.
"What is it now?" Complained the familiar voice of that dickhead, Francis.
"Where the hell is the boss!?" The tall woman yelled in frustration, her fists clenched.
The brown haired man placed his hands in the pockets of his, slightly ruffed up, suit pants. "Why are you asking me? You're the one he's always fucking praising. Shouldn't you know?" He argued back.
Bonnie narrowed her eyes at the shorter male. "Cut that smart ass talk, Freddy! You're lucky the boss even lets you still show your face around here. If it weren't for me, he would have had you taken care of back when you left Roger's bitch in the forest!" She stepped closer, looking over Freddy. "Now where did you see him last?"
The male rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever, keep giving yourself gold stars. Besides, why do you need to see him so urgently anyways? It's not like there's much we can do, at least not till we find that chick and her friends."
"Yeah, well about that, Foxy was telling me he heard some footsteps earlier near the front of the building, and there was a shattered window over there too! I think Y/N's here, probably trying to be some hero." Bonnie explained, her arms crossed over her chest.
Freddy's eyes widened, before his eyes darted away from the woman, not wanting to make eye contact with the angered partner. "Then that's a good thing." He replied. "We just gotta find her."

I felt sweat drops drip down my face. I was seriously fucked. Sadly, I'd end up being fucking fucked.
My phone vibrated in my back pocket, the sound of my ringtone echoed through the party room I hid in.
I quickly fumbled my phone into my shaky hands, trying to silence it. But it was too late.

"Well, well, well." A cocky voice spoke down at me.
I slowly looked up to see both suited agents staring down at me, wicked smirks plastered on both their faces.
"Perhaps silence your phone next time you try to go sneaking where you shouldn't be." Joked Bonnie.

I didn't have time to think. I need a gun. I have a gun! Grab the gun!
I reached down, before pointing the pistol forward at the two agents.
Anxiously, I pulled myself out from under the table, cornering the two.
They stood there, their hands raised up, while my finger felt the tip of the cold trigger colliding with my skin. "Where the hell is my husband?" Was all I was able to get out.
Bonnie snickered, shaking her head. "You really shouldn't have come here, Y/N. But I'm glad you did, makes my job easier."
My E/C eyes glared at the taller woman, the sides of my mouth curled down in aggression. "Let me repeat myself. Where the fuck is my husband?"
The brunette man let out a snort of laughter. "I'm sorry, it's just, every time you call that thing your husband, I can't help but crack a smile. I mean, he's an undead child murderer trapped in a rabbit fursuit, how can you be attracted to that?"
A strand of hair fell out in front of my face. "We've all got weird kinks, Francis. Mine just happen to be-"
"Necrophilic?" Freddy finished. "Is that what it's called? Ya fucked a corpse?"
I shook my head, aiming the gun towards his face now. "I don't have to explain my sex life to the likes of you. And if you keeping talking out of that asshole you call a mouth, I'll make sure you're choking on led with it."
Quickly, the man closed his mouth.
I heaved a sigh, putting both hands on my gun. "Now I'll ask one last time, where's my god damn husband!?"

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