Chapter 29 -  Weaponry

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"Deliah! Harry! Matt!" I exclaimed happily, running towards the three teenagers, and wrapping my arms around them in a group hug.
Harry chuckled. "You thought we'd let you save Springtrap without us?"
I wiped a tear from my eyes, smiling with joy. "Thank you."
Matt groaned. "Yep, we're all here now. But we won't be much longer if you keep holding us hostage this tightly." He said, struggling to breathe.
Quickly, I released my grip on the kids. "S-sorry." I was able to stutter out. "How did you guys find me?"
"You left your laptop open." Answered Harry, his arms crossed.
My eyes widened, while I rubbed the back of my neck. "Oh yeah. Haha, probably should have closed that."
Deliah smiled. "But it's a good thing you didn't, otherwise we wouldn't have been here to save you."
I leaned forward once more, pulling the dark haired girl in my arms. "If anyone should take credit for protecting me, it's you!"
Deliah laughed, as my shook her around.
I looked down at her in my arms. "Thank you Deliah." I looked towards Matt and Harry. "Thank you, all of you. You guys really are the best family any person could ask for."
The blonde teenager ran his fingers through his messy hair. "Don't mention it, Y/N." He looked away, staring down the darkly lit hallway. "We should probably get a move on though. We don't need anymore agents with guns seeing us."
I nodded, letting go of Deliah.

I turned my attention down towards my father's unconscious body. He was clearly still alive, as he was back was rising and fall with each breath he took. However, gods knows he probably won't be asleep much longer.
I knelt down, picking up my dads shotgun and handing it to Matt. "Here, you're the second oldest. Can I trust you with this?"
Matthew ran his hands over the weapon, before taking it from my grasp. "Yeah, sure."
I heaved a sigh, my eyes trailing over to Francis', aka Freddy, cold lifeless body. As annoying as that asshole was, I still felt remorse. I was partly responsible for his death after all. But to be fair, he did kidnap my husband, so he had it coming.

"Should we be going?" Harry questioned, pulling me from my trance.
Slowly, I knelt down towards my dads body. "Yeah, but give me a sec." I began pulling him towards an empty storage closet. I shoved him inside, shutting the door, and breaking the door handle off so he couldn't escape.
I shrugged my shoulders, turning back to the three teenagers. "Better safe then sorry." I said, cocking my gun.
My fingers landed on the Pepper spray on my belt. I pulled it off, tossing it to Deliah. "Use this if you get into any trouble." I instructed.
I looked at Harry, pulling the axe off my back and handing it to him gently. "Ya think you can try not to hurt yourself?"
Harry snatched the axe, holding it blade down. "You can count on me, dude."
I nodded, glaring down the hallway ahead. "Let's go save our rabbit."

No Retakes (Springtrap X Reader) (Springtrap & Deliah)Where stories live. Discover now