Chapter 16 - The Plan

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"I'm not in the mood right now, Agent C." The brown haired man complained.
"But Agent F, I need you to understand where I'm coming from. How do we know we're doing the right thing? This poor innocent woman seems happy with her life. Do we really wanna screw her over by taking away someone she clearly loves?" Argued the blonde agent.
Agent F turned to face his partner. "Enough of this nonsense, C! That thing is the reason we're doing this job in the first place! The sooner Roger is gone, the better! I don't know about you, but I'd like to get back to my normal life as soon as possible. Now cooperate with me, and we won't have any issues. You got that?"
Agent C heaved a sigh, nodding their head in agreement. "Yes sir."
"Good. Now I'm gonna go find Agent B, see what intel they gathered from their visit. I suggest you go interrogate Mr Windstorm some more. We're gonna need all the help we can get." Concluded Agent F.

Agent C turned away, while their partner proceeded to leave in search of B.
C couldn't begin to understand why destroying this woman's life meant so much to the others, especially the boss.
"None of this makes any sense to me. Why does this heathen, Roger Stanford, really mean so much to them? I get that they want to wipe his name from the history books, and pretend the whole thing with the murders didn't happen, but they did. As hard as they try, humanity won't forget the dark past of Freddy Fazbears pizza." Agent C spoke to themself, before something peaked their interest.

The sound of voices filled their ears, though it wasn't their own.
They straightened up, beginning to follow the noise to a nearby corridor. They peaked around the corner only to be meant with the outlines of two shadows.
"So that's it then. We're going full kidnap mode on these two?" The voice of Agent F questioned.
"It's really our last option. We've already paid Mr Windstorms bail, and we're going to bring him along with us to get the job done." Explained the voice of Agent B.
A sigh came from Agent F. "Very well. Shall we inform Agent C?"
"No." Replied B. "I feel as though something up with them. Every since you two started working at Y/N's place of employment, I've felt as though C has begun to feel pity for the woman. It's best we keep this between the two of us, and the boss."
"How are we supposed to do this with only us?" Asked F. "Two people trying to kidnap a grown woman and a metal robot? That seems like an overkill?"
Agent B seemed to agree. "You're correct. Which is why I have unlisted the help of another agent."
A new shadow appeared.
"Agent F, this is Agent FOX. He will be working alongside us in this matter. I hope you two will behave yourselves." B turned. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must inform the boss of this situation, and after that we will begin planning."

Agent C pressed their body up against a wall, hearing the footsteps of Agent B passing by.
To C's relief, B hadn't seen them.
"Shit, shit, shit." Whispered C anxiously. "I could lose my job if I warn Y/N. But she shouldn't have to be involved with this. She didn't ask to become apart of this issue, she only wanted to be happy." C pit their nails. "Fuck, the boss is gonna lose it."

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