Chapter 50 - Option B

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⚠️Suicide warning⚠️
Tears rain down my face, as I stared into the eyes of my beloved.
Springtrap's been there for me through trial and error, tribulation and tears. He showed me what it felt like to truly be loved. I could never imagine my life without him in it.
But River, they were so young and had so much life left to live. They saved me. If it weren't for their warning I'm not sure I'd even be standing here. They'd done enough for me that I was able to consider them a friend.
The only question that remained in my head was whether my lover was more important than a friend.

My gaze danced over towards River. They had red staining the surroundings of their eyes from the water that flowed down, soaking the rag that forbidden them from speaking.
"Oh River." A soft tone broke through the roughness of my voice. "How did you get yourself tangled up in this mess?"
I closed my eyes, dropping my head.
"Springtrap." I began. "Thank you. Thank you for being the light in my dark life. You stood by my side for so so long. But how long can that last? How long can I keep you on a leash, parading you around? You've been given two chances at life, while River and I are stuck in the same line." A heavy sigh came up my throat. "I wish I could promise you everything would be okay, and that we'd make it out of this alive. But I can see now that's just not the case."
My husbands pupils flicked between shades of purple and pink, clearly showing his pain and frustration through his vision.
My hands clenched tightly into fists, my heart racing with every second longer it took me to decide.
"Till death do us part dear." I spoke gesturing for Henry to free River.

Springtrap didn't seem to put up a fight when Henry waddled over towards him.
The older man was clearly aware bullets couldn't take out Springtrap, so he was trying something different.
Henry flipped a switch on the wall near my husbands body, sending a surge of sharp electrical shocks into his suit.
It wasn't long before I saw the life drain out of my loves eyes.

I darted towards River, tearing the ropes from their limbs.
The frail person wrapped their arms around me in a tight squeeze.
"Y-you saved me." River stuttered. "B-but Stanford." They turned there head to stare at Springtraps lifeless suit.
I rested my forehead against Rivers, holding their face in my hands. "You deserve a chance at a full life. Springtrap's had two chances and he screwed both those up. But you, you only get one shot at a good life, so live it." I told them.
I had no tears on my face, just the stains of red and bruises across my skin. I couldn't find the sorrow deep in my soul anymore. Or at least I thought I couldn't.
River placed their hands on my neck, pulling me close to them. "Thank you Y/N. My life rested in your shoulders and you had the heart to let me stay. I'm sorry I can't say the same for your beloved."
The waterworks began suddenly at the thought of Springtraps last living gaze. I really had chosen to let someone I barely knew live, and it cost the life of the best thing that ever happened to me.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to accept this." I choked out, holding onto River for dear life. "What have I done? What do I tell my family? What will I do with the rest of my life? Springtrap and I were supposed to be together. He and I have been through so much. B-but now- now he's gone. And it's all my fault." I cried into Rivers shoulder.
The blonde figure ran their hand down my back, rubbing it in an attempt to comfort me. "It's gonna be okay Y/N, I'm here for you. It's okay, it's okay."
Multiple coughs broke from me. I could barely breathe over the amount of tears that left my body. "Promise me you'll stay with me, please! You're the only person who will understand what I did today! You're the only one I can trust with what I've done!"
River shed a few tears, seeing the amount of pain I was suffering from. "I promise, you'll always have me to confide in."

"What the fuck!?" Exclaimed my fathers voice.
I lifted my head to stare in his direction. He stood there, shoulders tensed, and sweat dripping down his wrinkled face.
My teeth slammed against each other in a angry snarl. "Are you happy now!? Springtraps dead! My husbands dead! All of you got what you wanted! But what did I get!? I've got blood, blood on my hands! I was forced to choose who lived and who died! Aren't you glad I picked the best man in my life to destroy!?" I pulled back from River, slamming my fists against the ground. "You're all a bunch of bastards!"
River held me, trying to calm me down as best as they could.
"I can't live like this!" My screams filled the room.
What I had done was unforgivable, but what they'd all put me through was by far a living nightmare.
It didn't matter who stood by my side anymore, I was alone. Alone with this constant pain that would continue sinking deeper and deeper into my soul until I'm fully overcome with eternal torment. What would my mother think of me if she saw me now?

"Darling, stop!" My mother giggled as my father pressed kisses against her neck.
I watched the two snuggle each other for a few seconds, before my mom noticed me watching.
"Someone spying on us dear." My mom whispered to my dad.
He slowly pulled back staring in my direction, his arms still wrapped around my moms lower body.
My mom placed a kiss on my dads cheek, before walking over towards me and picking me up in her arms. She held me up to her face, taking a seat on the couch. "When you grow up dear, just know that no matter who you end up with, I'll always love you." She nuzzled me softly.
I let out a laugh, as she tickled me with her nose. "Do you think I'll get to wear a fluffy dress!?" I exclaimed happily.
My mom ruffled my hair. "I'm sure you'll get to wear whatever you're comfortable in, my dear." She picked me up, setting me back down on the ground. "I just hope you find someone who truly makes you happy."
I swayed back and forth on my toes and heels. "Will you be at my wedding mom?" I asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?" She replied, resting a hand on my cheek. "I just wanna see my little girl happy."

I wasn't happy. I was upset, scared, broken. I'd never wanted to be so invisible. I wanted to be free of this sickening agony that dug it's way into my stomach, leaving me feeling the need to throw up word vomit.
I began tuning the rest of the world around me out. There was no need for me to listen to anything other than the voices in my head. After all, it didn't matter who promised to be there for me, I had just lost the only thing that ever truly mattered to me. And I was the reason it was gone.

The shimmer of a glass shard caught my eye. I reached over, loosely picking up the sharp piece.
A soft chuckle escaped through my numbness. "A life for a life, they say. But can you really call it that if you were never living in the first place."
Was this what my destiny was? Removing myself from the picture? Maybe not, but I was willing to accept anything at this point.
I placed the shard up against my neck, holding it there for a few seconds.
I pressed the cold glass into my throat. "I'm coming home, Springtrap."

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