Chapter 12 - Playtimes Over

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"Hehehe! Springtrap, stop!" I laughed, as the rabbit ran kisses down my neck.
The golden bunny snickered, pushing me up against the bed frame. "I'm sorry, but you're just so adorable when you're flustered." He replied, cupping my face in his hands.
"You gonna keep teasing me, or you gonna make out with me?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck.
Springtrap let out a soft flirtatious chuckle, leaning in closer to my lips. "Don't have to tell me twice, darling~"

I heard my phone begin to go off. I quickly silenced it so Springtrap and I could continue.
However, my phone just wouldn't stop vibrating.
I finally gave in, rolling my eyes. "One sec dear, let me just take care of this."
I picked my phone up, staring back at the contact. "Harry?" I questioned, looking up at Springtrap.
The rabbit raised an eyebrow, just as confused as I was.
I was not used to Harry calling me, we usually only texted back and forth once in awhile. This had to be important.
"Hello?" I asked, picking up the phone.
"Y/N." Harry spoke back. "Something strange just happened, and I'm worried about what might happen."
I sat up in bed, Springtrap adjusting himself to sit beside me.
"What happened?" I said, my husband wrapping an arm around my side.
Harry heaved a sigh on the other line. "These two people in suits were at my door. I opened it up, thinking they were just some missionaries coming to bullshit with me, but they started asking about you." He explained.
I gazed up at Springtrap. A look of worry and confusion spread across both our faces.
I lifted the phone back to my ear. "Did you happen to get their names?"
"No, I didn't. But I can describe them!" Exclaimed Harry. "One of them was a shorter masculine man and the other was tall and feminine. The dude had ruffled brown hair, and the other was a blonde with their hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, with choppy bangs."
My eyes widened as Harry continued, though by then I had completely tuned him out. All I could hear was a fuzzy static in my head, my thoughts beginning to overlap one another.
Francis. Chichi. I thought. Who else could those mysterious people be? It made sense, since Francis had been budging answers out of me about my home life since day one. Something in the back of my mind was telling me that my coworkers meant me some sort of harm, or even worse, they were planning on causing Springtrap harm.
"Y/N?" Harry said. "Ya still there, dude?"
I placed the phone back up to my ear. "H-Harry, I gotta go." I replied, before swiftly hanging up the phone.

Springtrap pulled me in closer, though I only brushed him aside, getting out of bed and onto my feet.
"Somethings not right." I finally broke out of my silence. "I think my coworkers are up to something, something bad."
Springtrap got to his feet as well, rubbing my arm to comfort me. "You think those two people were from work, don't you?" He asked.
"Of course I do!" I boasted. "Who else could they be? And now they know where we live! What if they decide to come by and find out about you!? About us!?" I felt myself begin to cave into my inner anger that had been growing inside me since I first met Francis and Chichi. I knew those two were trouble. I had to do something, and it had to be done fast.

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