Chapter 46 - Firing Rounds

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My body ached with pain. I yearned for my old life back, but I knew the only way I was ever getting that back was to finally end this once and for all.
Light footsteps filled my ears. I knew these incoming figures couldn't be my father.
I ducked behind a box of old Fazbear masks, tightly grasping my pistol in hand. Despite all the fear I felt welding up within me, I knew I had no choice. I had to save Springtrap. He was the most important thing right now and I wasn't gonna let him die because of my stupidity.
"I won't go back alone." I whispered to myself, beginning to hype myself up. "This is my story, not there's."
I fumbled my cell phone out of my hand, staring down at my low battery. "If I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna need some kickass background music. And I know just the song."

Heeled boots clicked against the tiled floor.
Both agents, Bonnie and Foxy, stood looking around the rundown building, clearly searching for me. Little did they know that it was my turn to find them.

"What the?" Foxy raised his head, staring down the hallway.
I lifted my chin, my eyes locking with the two agents. My feet pressed against the ground, a blaze of fury and determination burning in my soul. "This ends... for all of us."
Two gun shots. One flew from my gun, hitting the agent wearing shades in the shoulder, causing him to drop to the ground, loosening the grip on his weapon in the progress. The second bullet left Bonnie's gun. Thankfully the silver missed me, crashing into a old light above.
I dropped low, kicking Foxy's gun away from him. I rolled over on my good shoulder, now with two grey pistols in hand.
Another shot came from one of my gun, hitting Bonnie in the knee. She yelped in pain, getting down low, still struggling to stay up.
Blood flowed through the pant leg of her suit, hitting the floor. However she didn't stay down. She knew she had a job to get done.
"You're lucky I don't kill you right now." Bonnie grumbled, pointing her gun towards me.
"I think I'd prefer if you at least tried." I replied, taking another shot.
The bullet hit her hand, causing the curly haired woman to drop her firearm.
Swiftly, I scooped up the gun, pulling out the ammunition out of it and loading them into my own weapon.
Multiple heaves left my mouth. The song in the background still playing.
I pressed myself down on top of Bonnie, pinning her to the ground, and lifting her up by the collar of her white button up. "Now I can either shoot a couple rounds in the back of your skull, or you can tell me where the fuck my husband is!?"
Bonnie chuckled through her pain, blood dripping from her mouth and nose. "You're pathetic Y/N." She spit blood up onto my face, which caused me to boil with anger.

There was a sharp sound behind me. It sounded of someone pulling a knife out.
I turned my head slightly, but as I did so I was met with the sight of my father tackling the redhead agent to the ground and ripping the knife from his grip.
My dad tore the agents arm back behind his body, holding him down. His eyes met mine, though no words could escape my lips.
"Go save that fuck bucket you call a husband before I change my mind." Was all my dad said.
I didn't try to argue, he was giving me an opportunity so I knew I needed to take it.
I pulled myself off the agent dressed in purple, getting to my feet. Blood stained my hands, and at this rate I couldn't tell if the blood was mine or someone else's.
As much as I wanted to kill every other person in that hallway, I decided against it. I didn't really have it in me to kill someone, not yet at least.
I shook my head, before booking it away from the other three. Lord only knows how long I had before something horrible happened to him.

No Retakes (Springtrap X Reader) (Springtrap & Deliah)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum