Chapter 3 - Info Dumping

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I was sitting in the break room, eating the lunch Springtrap had kindly made for me that morning. I texted him a thank you, as I continued to eat. I hadn't even realized Francis and Chichi had entered behind me, till Francis grasped the chair beside me, pulling it out to take a seat.
"Y/N." He greeted.
I nodded a response to him, taking another bite from my sandwich.
My phone, which sat facing up on the table in front of me, vibrated, illuminating its screen with a notification.
Francis looked down, clearing ready the message. "Your lover?" He questioned.
I picked my phone up, seeing that Springtrap had sent back a simple 'you're welcome my dear 💕'. I smiled down at the message. "Yeah, he's the light of my life."
Chichi took a seat on the opposite side of me. "How lovely, what his name?" They asked happily.
I had never referred to Springtrap with his real name to any of my coworkers. I had always replied with his name being Scott, so I did just that this time as well. "Scott." I answered, a light shade of crimson covering my cheeks.
Chichi gave me a kind smile. "Seems like you really like him." They chuckled, pointing out my obvious blushing.
"Yeah." Francis agreed. "How did you guys meet?"
I texted Springtrap back with a heart, before responding to Francis. "It's a funny story actually. It all started with a bottle of pepper spray."
"You sprayed him with pepper spray, didn't you?" Snickered Chichi.
I laughed alongside them. "Hehe, yeah I did, but only cause he was the weirdo creeping around my place. He was a friend of my cousin, so I kinda got used to him being around. It wasn't till Scott offered me a dance that I actually started to fall for him. We quickly went from friends to lovers, and I couldn't be happier." I explained, my face plastered in a deep red.
"That's so sweet!" Chichi exclaimed.
"Yeah, yeah, sweet." Said Francis. "So tell me, what does your husband look like?"
I was taken aback by Francis' question at first, I mean why was he so invested in my husband? "Um, he has golden hair and enchanting eyes. He's very tall, and smells of freshly baked cookies." I replied, taking a sip off my bottled water.
Chichi rested their face in their hands. "He sounds amazing. You're clearly very in love with him."
"I really am." I smirked. "He's everything to me. If it weren't for him I'd probably still be rotting under the pressure of my cruel father, but that's a story for another day." I explained.
Francis crossed his legs. "No, go on. I'd love to hear more about your life." He insisted.
I awkwardly leaned away from him. "Sorry but I gotta get back to work. Maybe I can tell you both the story another time." I stood up, beginning to walk away. "See ya guys later." I waved, before exiting the break room.

"You need to stop being such an ass kisser to her, Agent C." Francis grunted at the blonde headed person.
Chichi rubbed the back of their neck anxiously. "I'm sorry Agent F, but I don't want her catching on to our plan. Unlike you who's being so straightforward and aggressive towards the poor woman."
"Don't make me get Agent B in here to set you straight." Argued Francis. "We don't have time for casualties in this mission. If we want to find Stanford we need to figure out more about Y/N's relationship with him."
Chichi dropped their head, shaking it. "Alright, whatever you say." They said sarcastically.
"That's right." Responded Francis. "Now come on, let's go get the information we need."

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