Chapter 42 - Its Over, Isn't It?

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Despite not having a literal beating heart in my cold hallow shell, I could feel is crumbling in on itself. I was basically sentencing myself to death, and forcing Y/N out of my life. But its what was best for the both of us. She could finally get back to her average life without my shitty mistakes holding her back. She had wings that desired the air in them, and I was like a stone that was carefully placed on top of them, holding her against the caged ground. It was my choice to lift myself from her wings. Now she can fly. I know she'll move on eventually, there's plenty of fish in the sea. Besides, I just wanna see her smile. And if removing myself from the picture is what it takes for her to be free, then so be it.
I couldn't really be upset though, could I? I can't say I didn't bring this upon myself. Agreeing to follow Harry to her house that one afternoon was one of the best and worst decisions I'd ever made. Do I regret our time together? Of course not. Y/N will always be my one true love, nothings going to change that. And the time I was able to spend with her will hopefully be enough to keep me sane. And if it's not, then that's okay too. Because I won't matter anymore. Everything I've done will be erased alongside my life. The Fazbear name will never have to worry about me ruining their reputation ever again.
I wanted to cry, but sadly I would never be able to.
"I've rejected affection for years and years. But when I had it, god damn it, it felt so real. She told me, I'm pretty. Never knew how to respond. I told her that's she pretty too, can't say I ever had a clue." Those soft familiar words left my cold mouth. They were the lyrics of a song on the playlist Y/N had made for us. Well, kinda. My heart changed the words slightly in that moment, just trying to mold them into my current mood.
Oh what I would've given to be snuggled up on the couch beside her in a rain day, listening to our playlist as we quietly drifted off to sleep together.
"With every passing moment, I surprised myself. I'm scared of lies, I'm scared of goodbyes, can someone please help? Cause I thought I'd fallen in love this time. I blinked and suddenly I had no Valentine." My arms dangled to my sides, swaying back and forth with each noisy step I took down that darkened corridor.

The click of a gun being cocked sounded from in front of me.
Slowly, I lifted my head to stare at the figure before me.
This agent was Bonnie. The tall curly haired woman with smooth dark skin, who dawned a purple pants suit and black heeled boots. "Come along and comply Stanford, and we won't have to resort to violence."
My head dropped down again, my eyes shutting. I'd made the decision to stop running from my past. It was time I faced my nightmare head on.
A long sigh escaped my cracked tone. "As you wish, Agent B."

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