40: Overtaken Jealousy

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As soon as I step into the stuffy ass room, I head straight for the VIP lounge just because I know it'll be less crowded. I didnt even want to come here tonight but I know she's showing up with Jimin and It'd drive me fucking insane to be sitting at home by myself, thinking about them. I throw myself down on the couch closest to the bar and pull out my phone, just to see if she's said anything. There are a couple notifications, but none from her so I put it back in my pocket. I tap my foot on the floor. I wonder if she's here yet. The image of her scrambling to get out of bed this morning pops into my head. Once she saw that they were watching us, she completely changed. I understand why but it's starting to bother me how much she cares. Is that selfish of me? I know she's doing it out of concern for both of our careers but I don't think telling the boys would change anything... I shake my head. I was the one that made the decision to stop what we were doing and remain friends, I can't be thinking like that anymore. Disrupting me from my thoughts, an old friend of mine decides to take the open seat next to me. I greet him kindly although his presence slightly unsettles me. His name is Jay and I've known him since I was young but he got into some really sketchy things a few years back and I distanced myself from him ever since then. He's actually the one that introduced me to.... the other girl... before Cleo. I can't even think of her name without shuddering. He shows up to these kinds of things here and there due to mutual friends.

"Hey big shot, let me buy you a drink!" He says suddenly standing up. There is something still off about him that I do not understand. I hesitantly stand.

"Ah, I'm trying to stay away from all of that tonight." I say being slightly honest. Lord knows I can't control myself around Cleo when I'm drunk, it's best to stay sober.

"Jungkook, man, when are you gonna learn to have some fun?" He shoots me a sly grin. "Do you remember how fucked up we used to get together? You used to be an animal!" He exclaims, laughing abruptly at the memories.

"I've got a couple more responsibilities now." I say growing slightly irritated. That's when he steps closer to me. I lean back but he grabs my hand out of my pocket and places a pill in it. Not this again...

"You say that but I know the old you is still in there." He says with his face next to my ear. He holds onto my hand for longer than I was expecting. What the hell. "Oh yeah." He finally steps away. I wipe my hands off on my pants, subtly slipping the pill into my pocket. "My friend Jinjoo here said that she was looking for you. Told me you were old friends." He winks at me before walking away into the crowd. I remain stiff. That was the first conversation I've had in awhile that has made me want to physically run away. I can't remember the last time someone has made me that uneasy. I feel weird about him wondering around in here, too. What if he runs into Cleo? Would he do anything? The thought alone nearly sends me into a panic. I decide to go look for her but before I can move, a pathetically familiar face appears in front of me.

"Jinjoo..." I huff remaining stationary as she touches my arm. I wonder how Jay knows her.

"Look at that, he even remembers my name." She says with sarcasm.

"Look, I really need to..." before I can finish my sentence, she puts both hands on my chest and shoves my body onto the couch behind me. With no time to react, she manages to climb on top of me. The bottom of her dress slides up over her hips as she positions herself, revealing her entire ass to everyone around. Her movements are so slow... is she? I look into her eyes and notice that her pupils are nearly the size of her iris. Of course she's on something, when is she not? I decide to do her a favor and quickly yank the material of her dress back down over her backside. She probably wasn't going to fix it and I don't need anyone seeing this mess I've somehow gotten myself into.

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