7: A new Scene

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"Jungkook has to wear Cleo's clothes!" Hobi cackles and jumps up, clearly happy that he doesn't.

"Yeah yeah..." Jungkook sighs, pulling his black hoodie over his head and exposing his small abdomen . I'm surprised he didn't put up a fight. He tosses the hoodie at me without making eye contact and pulls the string on his joggers.

"I- I'm gonna go change in the bathroom." I say and scurry away before I see anything I'd rather not see. I'm glad they're comfortable around each other like that but we're not on that level yet. I undress until I'm in my bra and undies. I hold up the hoodie to my body, of course it's large enough to cover me like a dress. The words printed in white on the back catch my eye. Balenciaga? I suddenly feel like I shouldn't be wearing something with so much worth. What if I spill something on it or somehow rip it? a knock sounds at the door, making me jump. I throw the hoodie over my head and let it fall to just above my knees. It smells amazing, like a minty musk. I guess I've never really been close enough to smell him. I crack open the door and a hand shoves its way through the crack, handing me a pair of black joggers. I take them, gather my clothes that were on the floor and hand them to him without looking. He takes them without a word and closes the door. I tie the joggers as tight as they'll go and head out.

The sound of laughter fills the hallway as I reach the TV room. Hobi is laughing so hard, He's knelt down on the floor. The rest of the boys are wiping tears away from their eyes at the sight of Jungkook. I walk in and plop myself on the couch between Tae and Jimin, and finally feast my eyes on the sight in front of me. My clothes hug Jungkook's muscular body. He sits on the chair next to the couch with his arms crossed over his chest, chuckling slightly at himself.

"D-do an aegyo." Hobi says in between laughs. To all of our surprise, Jungkook jumps up and pushes his fingers into his cheek while making a weird but cute high pitches noise which makes us all laugh harder. He sits right back down on the chair and hides his face in the sleeves of my shirt, embarrassed. I tuck my hands into the long sleeves of his hoodie. Tae, who's sitting cross legged text to me, looks over at me, pulls the hood up over my head and pulls the strings so only my face is showing through. I dramatically pout, trying to be cute as he breaks into a smile.

"Ahh, Cleo looks like a little chipmunk." He says poking my cheek with his index finger and I laugh.

"Let me see." Jimin, on the other side of me says and I swing my head around with the pout still on my face. He smiles so big his eyes squint together and I laugh with him.

"Cleo, I wanted to bring something up to you." Namjoon starts and I look over at him, encouraging him to speak. "Because it's our last night in Japan, we were going to have a couple friends over tomorrow night if you didn't mind. You know, just play some music, have some drinks. The usual." He finishes.

"Why would I mind? This is your guys's whole deal anyways, I'm just here to teach. I'll stay out of the way." I say in English.

"Oh cmon, you've definitely proven yourself as a friend. That was me inviting you, not trying to forewarn you." He chuckles. His English is so clear. The other boys look lost as he speaks but they nod anyways.

"I don't know, I don't want to be a burden." I feel weird being involved in something like this. I understand the boys and I are growing closer and closer but I just feel like I should know my boundaries.

"If we thought you'd be a burden, I wouldn't have invited you. We know you're a great time and we'd love to have you around, please..?" He says dragging out the please.

"Okay okay, maybe. For a couple drinks." I smile. Namjoon claps and thanks me.

For a couple more hours we all sit around the coffee table and talk about anything and everything. How excited they are to see their friends, how good it feels to have a couple days off, and our family's. I stay quite most of that conversation, but's it's interesting to listen. Soon enough everyone goes up stairs one by one. A couple are already asleep on the couches. Feeling as though I might fall asleep any second myself, I head up after saying goodnight to Joon and Jimin who were the only ones still awake downstairs. I brush my teeth, wash my face and slide into the cozy covers. As soon as I go to switch the light off, I realize I'm still in Jungkook's clothes... and he's still in mine. I wonder why he didn't say anything before he went upstairs. Maybe he forgot too. Whatever, I thought, I'll give them back in the morning. They were too comfortable to take off right now. Sleep comes easy as I think about what tomorrow night will be like.

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