43: First Date?

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The afternoon goes by too fast. I forgot what it feels like to have a break like this. The four of us watch 2 movies, while conversing through most of the second one. It feels good to have them around but I'm still slightly on edge, not wanting to make any sort of mistake. You and Jungkook maintain some distance the entire time his hyungs are over. They stand up to leave around 10pm, giving us both hugs. I sigh into each of their shoulders as their embraces remind me of how much I truly mean to them, or I would surely be kicked to the streets by now. I haven't stopped thinking about how horribly I've acted. I feel embarrassed to even be around them. I'm sure they view me differently but they aren't acting like it. Once they're gone, Jungkook decides it's getting late. He thanks me for hanging out with him before giving me a big hug and a small peck. I graciously accept both gestures even though I wish it was more. I debate asking him to stay the night but quickly hold myself back. Baby steps i tell my self over and over again.

The next week goes by smoothly but you're on edge every moment you're with any 7 of the boys. Your actions have not been brought up once by any of them. Everyone just acts as if nothing happened but you can't help the guilt that eats away at you every moment you're awake. The only reminder that it actually happened is the fact that Jimin has not said a word to you. In lessons, he turns to Namjoon for most of his questions. Every time you see him with a confused look, you step over to offer help but he doesn't even spare you a glance. It stings but you understand completely, not knowing the right time to talk to him.

In terms of the company, none of the higher ups have reached out to you or Jungkook from your knowledge. All of the staff treats you the exact same and you wonder if they are even aware of what happened. At the end of the week, management even decided to give you your own office in the HYBE building. Although it's quite small and tucked away, you're more than happy to accept.

Jungkook makes time for you, even if his schedule is packed, he still stops by your apartment or office, even if it's just for a moment. You're more than grateful for the time he's sparing you but you can't lie, you've been craving more. Luckily the weekend is approaching, knowing he has a few days off, you wonder what he has planned.

It's Friday night around 6pm, you sit at your desk, writing up the next few lessons. It's funny how different it is writing the criteria for a elementary class versus a class for much more advanced grown men. You sit there with your head in your hands as you eye the piles of books and past lesson plans scattered over your desk. The only light illuminating the dark room is your computer screen.

Now, vigorously typing, you hear a light knock sound at the door. Tearing you from your trance, you glance up and see the outline of a body through the foggy glass door. "Mmhmm." You mutter, with your fingers already back to typing. The door cracks open, you look up past your screen and see Jungkooks figure moving closer to your desk. A sigh of relief slipping out of your mouth at the sight of him, you unfurrow your eyebrows and lean back in your chair.

"Happy to see me?" He asks with a grin tugging his lips as he joins you behind your desk. He puts some of his weight on the edge of the desk. He wears black jeans and a black and white patterned crewneck. His hair is pushed back, exposing his forehead. He looks dashing, compared to you especially. You probably look like a zombie with how much you've been working yourself today.

"Very." You say, eyes closed, allowing yourself to relax in his presence. He clicks on your lamp that's placed on your desk, a dim yellow light illuminating the previously eery room. He chuckles.

"Cmon you little gremlin, you could have at least turned on a light." He says prying your hands off of your keyboard. "How long have you been sitting in the dark?" He raised his eyebrow, lips pressed into a small, amused smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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