19: Something New

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I have 7 pairs of eyes widely staring at me.

"We're going to be in so much trouble." Jungkook speaks, now staring off.

"Yeah, the company is not going to be happy about this." Namjoon says, taking his phone back. Oh no, I feel bad for causing such a big issue. I know it's not entirely my fault but I should have thought before walking out into public with the 7 most famous people around. They don't feel like these massive pop stars to me though. They just seem like regular boys. As I'm thinking about the situation, another thought pops into my head.

"Will I get fired?" I say, my voice shaking slightly. Their company is going to think I'm causing too many problems for the boys and let me go. The thought of leaving them nearly brings me to tears.

"No, no we wouldn't let that happen." Namjoon shakes his head, dismissing my question quicker than I spoke it. I nod and lean back onto the bed. Jimin lays back next to me and I move to put my head on his chest. I know I'll be okay, I'm just nervous. Nervous about what could potentially happen. Maybe I'll get fired and have to leave my dream job and new best friends. Maybe the fans will exploit me and I'll receive death threats and loads of hate for getting attention from the boys. Or maybe, hopefully, they'll just forget about me and Ill remain the faceless staff member that I am.

"Everything will be fine Cleo, really, you don't have to worry yourself." Jimin speaks and tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, you're not going anywhere." Jin laughs, lightening the mood. I smile up at him from Jimin's chest and catch Jungkook's eyes behind Jin. As soon as I glance towards him he jerks his head away and touches his ear. I've noticed that's a nervous tic he has. They don't know, but I pick up on little things like that. Yoongi always touches behind his ear when he's nervous or embarrassed, Jungkook touches his ears and bites his bottom lip, Jimin will hide his face or touch his hair, Namjoon touches his neck, Jin scrunches his nose. They're cute little quirks that contribute to their identity so I can't help but notice.

"I hope not, I like it here." I speak honestly and run my finger over my lip, a nervous tic of my own.

"And we like having you. Let's change the subject. How about the next couple of days here? What are the plans?" Tae says raising his eyebrows.

"Let's go to the bar tomorrow." Jimin suggests. I stay quiet and close my eyes again. His steady heartbeat is making me sleepy. Why am I always so tired now?

They continue to talk about future plans until they have to go film for run BTS. I go back to my room and fall right to sleep.

Once I wake, I do some work then go out to dinner with Chungja and other staff members. I haven't heard from the boys or Mr. Woo since they left. I hope they're having fun.
Chicago is beautiful at night. I made us reservations at a fancy Italian restaurant downtown. I ordered a plate of chicken fettuccine Alfredo and enjoyed every bite. I helped the others order since I was the only one who spoke English, and some of them have never had Italian. Beom Seok, a hairdresser, seems very intrigued by the menu and takes the longest to order, but the waiter is patient with us. It's weird to see everyone dressed nicely. Usually, at shows, they're in plain shirts and jeans.

Once I'm back at our hotel, I debate going to Jimin's room but I pass. He is probably tired. I unlock my door and take a long refreshing shower before getting into bed.

The next morning, I let myself sleep in. I can't even remember the last time I slept past 7am. I eventually wake up at 9:30 and check my phone. I see a bunch of twitter notifications and a text from Tae. I ignore twitter and open the text. It reads;

Good morning sleepy head, we left for an interview with some radio station downtown. We should be back in a couple hours, see you then! Ps: get your party pants on, don't forget about going out for drinks later :P

I smile at my screen and place my phone back down. I didn't think I would be going out with them but I'm kind of glad I am. Though, I'm nervous, very nervous.

I don't hear from or see the boys all day, they must be very busy. At 3pm, I meet with Mr. Woo and the boys managers to discuss certain work relations. They inform me on what content they think would be best for the boys to learn and how, without it getting in the way of their jobs. I listen intently and update them on the boys progress. Then I go back to my hotel and work for hours, improving and adding to my many education plans already created for the boys.

I'm hunched over the desk in my hotel room, typing vigorously on my laptop as new ideas pop into my head. My mind is so deep into my work that I almost don't hear the knocking at my door. I tear my eyes away from the screen and rub them. I've been staring at that bright light for far too long. I completely forgot about the plans for tonight, what time is it? 8pm? I was really working for that long? The knocking continues and I hurry to the door. A smiley Jimin appears before me, making me smile myself.

"Are you ready?" He asks, raising his eyebrows before pushing his way into my room. "Wah, why are you sitting in the dark?" He says turning on a lamp.

"I was working and lost track of time. I just gotta throw on some different clothes and stuff before we go, I'll be quick." I say and head over to my suitcase. Jimin hops onto my bed and lets out a sigh. "I think we could all use a couple drinks tonight." I say and laugh at his visible exhaustion.

"Tell me about it." He says with his eyes closed. I grab my speaker from the bedside table and take it with me to the bathroom. Songs by Jorja Smith and Ella Mai play through it as I curl my hair and put some makeup on. I change into a black, tight long sleeved shirt and baggy white cargo pants, stringing one of my new Gucci belts through the loops. I do a little twirl in the mirror, feeling more than excited to be actually going out with the boys. I leave the bathroom, feeling confident, and see Jimin asleep in the exact same position he was in before. He was the one that came banging on my door and now he's sleeping? Not on my watch. I get a little running start and pounce onto the bed. I fall forward and throw my hands onto his chest. He wakes up quickly and obviously startled. His hands grab my waist as he relaxes. I laugh and he sighs, rolling his eyes.

"You ready?" I ask the same question while sarcastically raising my eyebrow at him. I continue to hang over him as he looks up at me with a small grin.

"Why you little..." He starts and pushes my hips towards the bed so that I fall onto my back. He straddles me with his strong legs pinning my arms down. Before I can fight back, his hands travel to my sides as begins to tickle me. There's nothing I can do but scream-laugh as he continues his assault.

"Jimin, I'm gonna pee!" I scream and he quickly gets off of me, still laughing.

"Shhhh, someone might hear you!" He waves his hands at me. I try and catch my breath.

On cue, another knock sounds at the door. "Look, I hate to break up whatever is going on in there but I'm ready to party." Tae's voice speaks quietly through the door. Jimin and I look at each other with wide eyes.

"I told you someone would hear, now I'm gonna have to explain this." He jokingly swats at me before getting off of the bed.

"You shouldn't have attacked me!" I fire back. He squints his eyes at me and points his index finger in my direction.

"Watch it, or I'll do it again." He says and we both laugh before heading for the door.

The Man You Are (BTS Jungkook) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora