17: Feelings

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My leg slips off the side of the chair, causing me to wake up quickly. Oh no, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I hope I didn't overstay my welcome, he probably wanted to be alone. The room is pitch black and there's a blanket hung over me. How long have I been asleep for? The more I think about it, the more I don't care. He would have woken me up and told me to leave if he wanted to be alone that badly. Also, I'm beyond tired. The events from today physically and mentally drained me. I can't imagine how the boys feel.
I really don't want to get up but I really have to go to the bathroom. I force myself out from underneath the mysterious blanket and see the outline of a sleeping Jungkook on the hospital bed in front of me. I'm upset that he did this to himself but I'm glad he's okay. I rub my eyes and trudge over to the bathroom. I feel like I'm sleepwalking. I want nothing more than to be back in that uncomfortable chair, curled up and fast asleep. I could honestly sleep on the hard floor right now if I had to.

My eyes are more or less closed on the way back to my chair. As I drag my feet, the side of my foot knocks against the wheel of the bed, making a louder noise than I was expecting. I bend down and hold my foot in pain. One of the only things in this room and I manage to run into it. Due to the noise, Jungkook shoots up from his previous position.

"Ar-are you okay? What happened?" He asks, his voice raspy. I can barely see him.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry, I just stubbed my toe." I say and yawn. "I didn't mean to wake you up, I'm sorry." I feel so bad for startling him awake. He needs all the rest he can get.

"It's okay." He sighs and lays back down. I go back to the chair and sit on the edge. I rub the back of my neck, it hurts too from laying in that position for so long.

"Are you comfortable over there?" He says facing me. The slight glow from the windows behind him perfectly outlines his silhouette.

"It's okay for a chair." I say quietly.

"It doesn't look like it." He chuckles. "Does your neck hurt?" His voice is so soft, it almost puts me to sleep in this upright position.

"Yeah, just a little. I'm okay though." I reassure him. He doesn't need to be worrying about me.

"There's enough room up here ... if you wanted to be more comfortable." He says and pushes himself over to one side of the bed.

"No no, you need to get a good nights sleep. Thank you though."

"I'm sure I'd sleep just fine with you next to me." My heart jumps at his words. Why does this idea seem so appealing to me right now? No, the question is... why is he offering?

"Okay." I whisper. The thought of sleeping in an actual bed sounds too good. I stand up and pad over to the bed. Being outside of the blanket causes me to shiver. I crawl onto the relatively small bed, Jungkook keeps his eyes on me as I tuck myself in next to him. He rolls over onto his back and I lay facing away from him. My body shakes with shivers as I wait for the blankets to start doing their job.

"Are you cold?" His voice sounds from behind me.

"Yeah a little." I say, teeth chattering. I don't want to turn around, I can't have my face be that close to his again. No matter how badly I want to see his lively eyes and soft skin in this dim light, I stay positioned the other way. What is it about him that has me so confused?

"Come here." He whispers. His tone is gentle rather than seductive, which is the only reason why I flipped over. His head was propped up on the headboard and he looked down at me with sleepy eyes. He reaches around and places his hand on my shoulders, pulling me towards him. My heart starts pounding faster and faster. Is he trying to kiss me?

"Jungkook... I don't think..." I start my protest. This is not the time.

"Please Cleo." His words were barely audible. I stop my fight and he pulls me to his chest rather than his lips. His long arms wrap around me and I let out a breath. He just needs that contact that I was so desperate for days ago. We're good for each other in that way only. I burry my head into the crook of his neck and fasten my arm around his shoulder, giving him what he gave to me; A sense of comfort, of safety. The heat from his body has already warmed my chilling bones and his clean scent fills my nose with each breath I take in. "Thank you." He says from above me.

"No need to thank me." I say, the sleeping spell already beginning to take over my body.

"But there is." He starts running his fingers up and down my back. "You've done so much for me, even though I'm cruel towards you. Why?"

"I'm just there for the ones that need me. No matter who it is." I speak in a general sense to keep it less personal. I'm too tired to have this kind of conversation right now. His steady breathing and warm arms are putting me to sleep as we speak. He says something else but I'm already halfway under. I hum a quite response and his hands stop moving on my back. The last thing I can feel is a small kiss planted on my forehead. I fall asleep completely at peace for the first time in ages.

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