28: Opening a New Door

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I feel a sudden buzzing on my back. I reach my hand underneath me and pull out a vibrating phone. I don't recognize who's it is, the boys are rarely on their phones so I haven't seen them much. The name Chungja appears on the screen and I almost press the green button and answer it myself before a hand snatches it from my grasp.

"Thank you." Jungkook says in a monotone voice as he hold his phone to his ear. If that's his phone... does that mean this is his bed? I quickly sit up, feeling embarrassed for some reason. I hope my face isn't red. I thought Jungkook said he was rooming with Yoongi? Whatever.

The phone call was quick and everyone stared at Jungkook, waiting for him to say what Chungja had said.

"Oh, the crew is on their way up so it'd be best to be in your own rooms." He says and shoves his phone into his pocket. Everyone nods and dismiss them selfs to their rooms. My heart starts to pump as I stand up.

"Alright. I'll see you guys soon." I wave as I pass them.

"Wait, I'm gonna come to your room when they're done with me, okay?" Tae says as he applies moisturizer to his clear skin.

"Oh, me too. I really want to see the dress he picked out. Tae wouldn't let us see it before he gave it to Chungja." Jimin says and angrily points at his friend and I chuckle.

"Okay sounds good, see you on the other side." I say and head for the elevator. I pace back and fourth from the bed to the window for a straight 10 minutes before a light knock sounds at my door. I quickly go to open it and am relived to see my good friend standing before me, a huge smile already on her lips. A little squeak escapes my mouth as I wrap my arms around her.

"You ready?" She says and raises an eyebrow.

"More ready now than I'll ever be." I say and take in a breath.

"You just wanna see the dress, huh?"

"Lemme see the dress." I say and look down to the multiple bags in her hands. She laughs and hands them to me. I thank her and run them over to the bed. That's when I finally see the label on the side. He's got to be kidding. It's a white shopping bag with the word Gucci printed in small letters in the middle of it. I dig my hand inside and feel a lace fabric in my fingers. I pull it out with sweaty hands and place it gently on the bed. I stare at the black dress with wide eyes. It's a beautiful short dress with lace long sleeves and a big dragonfly made out of pearls on the chest. This must have costed a fortune! Why do they do this for me? I continue to dig and pull out a pair of lace tights and dainty black heels. I spin around, my mouth still open and see Chungja smiling fondly.

"They're insane." I say in a factual manner and she laughs.

"They love you Cleo, they say it all the time. How thankful they are for you." She says and motions for me to sit in the chair by the desk. I hope they know that they don't have to buy me expensive things for me to see that they love me... it is really nice of them though. She begins to set up her stuff and I prepare for the hours of labor that are going to be put towards my appearance. I'm glad it's Chungja and not anyone else or this would be rather boring.

An hour or so passes and I hear a knock. Chungja stands up and holds a hand out, telling me to stay seated. She hurries over to the door and cracks it.

"Wait! I'm just about to have her put the dress on. Stay here for a second." She says and shuts the door. I can't help but chuckle at how big of a deal they're making out of my appearance. She hands me the dress and makes me change in the living area so I don't see my hair and makeup in the bathroom mirror. Once I've got everything tucked in and zipped up, she smiles like a proud mom sending her kid off to school. I walk over to the door to reveal a very done up Tae and a dashing Jimin. I can't help but gush over how handsome they look. It was a long shot, but I was hoping to see Jungkook standing there with them.

The Man You Are (BTS Jungkook) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin