23: "Us"

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The sunlight streaming through the crack in the curtains wakes me up. I expected there to be a body next to me but there's not. Jimin must have left at some point. I know they had a lot to do today. I groggily sit up and stretch my arms.

On que, my phone starts to vibrate on the bedside table. Taehyung's name lights up across the screen and I hurry to answer it.

"Hey." I answer.

"So casual this morning. I didn't wake you up did I?" He teases.

"No, I just woke up. What's up?" I say before yawning.

"We have a photo shoot at a studio downtown. If you're not doing anything, would you like to come visit?" His words are hopeful which makes me smile.

"I'd love to. Could you text me the address?"

"Of course, see you soon!" He says before hanging up. I have enough planning done for the next three days so I'm able to spend some more time out. I'm really excited to see all the boys in action. I've seen their concerts and their pictures from their photo shoots but I've never gotten to see one behind the scenes. In moments like this, I feel like a super fan. Becoming giddy over getting to see them stand in front of a camera for 3 hours.

Mr. Woo sends a car over as I get dressed. I slip on some ripped mom jeans and a plain white shirt with a tan cardigan over top. I throw on a couple of necklaces and black boots then brush my hair and quickly apply some mascara before hurrying down to the car. I find my heartbeat increasing as we reach the building. I'm nervous to see Jungkook. I'm still not sure how to act around him or how he's going to act around me. He's a wild card, I never know what I'm going to get when it comes to him. I enter the lobby and give them my name. The woman at the front desk takes me through a couple doors before we enter a huge room with really tall ceilings. There's multiple shoots set up. Tae sits on a stool in front of a red background at one, Jimin sits backwards on a chair in front of a purple backdrop. Both of them seem to be staring into the souls of the cameras in front of them. I stand behind Tae's photographer, watching him pose effortlessly. As soon as he spots me, his face lights up. He hops off of his stool and steps over to me. His arms wrap around my shoulders.

"I'm glad you could make it." He says with a big smile on his face. I find myself smiling just as big as a result of his affection. All of a sudden I see a flash go off and I open my eyes to see the photographer aiming her camera towards us. I pull away from the hug and become worried. They won't release that one will they?

"It was just too cute to not capture. Don't worry it won't be a part of the released images." She chuckles and turns back to adjust a couple things for the next member.

"You look quite sharp." I say and tug at the openings of his navy blue suit.

"Not as sharp as you." He says and holds the charm of my necklace in his long fingers. "I've never seen you without this necklace, I've been meaning to ask you what it's for." He runs the pad of his thumb over the small sunflower pendant.

"It was a gift from my mom. She always said sunflowers stood for longevity, adoration and loyalty. She gave me the necklace to keep those words from her close to my heart." He moves his eyes from the charm to my face.

"That's precious. Your mother seems like a lovely lady." I almost correct him but now isn't the time. "Did you want anything to eat? They set up a whole snack bar for us." I'm relived when he changes the subject.

"I could go for some snacks." I nod and follow him to the table on the other side of the room. There's a range of korean snacks neatly spread across the red table cloth. Before I can grab a box of Pepero, a voice sounds from behind me.

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