30: Keeping Secrets

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"Uh oh." Is all I can manage to say while the boys pile into the big room.

"Not uh oh, there are so many posts about you already. They love you!" Tae claps his hands in excitement. I stare at him with a confused face. They? "Look." He hands me his phone. I snatch it and start scrolling. My entire body begins to bubble with joy as I see all the pictures from tonight. One fan tweeted out:
Look at how happy she makes them! Cleo for sure has our stamp of approval.
She added a picture of Jimin and I, when he had his hand on my knee as well as a picture of... Jungkook. It was when I was talking to Halsey but the photo is focused on Jungkook's face. He's smiling softly while staring up, watching me. I steered away from him for most of the night because I was especially nervous about the rumors that could spread about us, mostly because they're not rumors. Seeing this picture sends warmth through my heart. I regret not talking to him more when we were there. I had so much I wanted to say, so much to thank him for but I didn't. I want to stand up, walk across the room to the chair he's sitting in and tell him everything that's on my mind... but I can't. I know I can't but I can barely hold it in. I hand Tae his phone back.

"You don't understand how relived I am." I say and walk over to the mini fridge, placed right next to Jungkooks chair. I open it, and to my surprise there's actually stuff in it. Maybe the staff stocks it up. I pull out a bag of baby carrots and seat myself on the ground. The boys spread themselves out and find their own seats.

"I told you, you had nothing to worry about." Tae says smugly.

"I couldn't help but expect the worse, but I'm glad they don't despise me." I chuckle and crunch down on a carrot. Suddenly, a loud popping sound comes from across the room and I jump, bumping Jungkooks knee.

"Yah, you could warn us next time." Hope says clutching his chest. Namjoon apologizes and begins pouring the Champaign into glasses.

"Cheers to Cleo's debut!" He jokes as he passes around the drinks. Everyone claps and cheers and I hide my face in my hands.

"Thank you guys, seriously. I feel so greatful to have had the opportunities you guys have given me. You've changed my life for the better and I'm very happy to have become close with every single one of your beautiful souls." I smile and hold my glass up, not sure how else to express my gratitude.

"We feel the same. Could you imagine if Hayoon never said anything to you? Our life would be Cleo-less!" Tae exclaims and giggles at himself. The 5 boys clustered on the bed start joking about something Yoongi said. I zone out momentarily, thinking about Hayoon. I can't wait to see her again. A hand then reaches in front of me and digs into the bag of carrots in my lap.

"Thank you." Jungkook brings his face close to my ear from behind. I hold the bag up so he has easier access to the snack. Just this small interaction has me craving more contact from him. I hate that we have to hide it.

"Jungkook..." I whisper up at him. He leans down again so I can speak to him without anyone else hearing, "Please stay with me tonight." At my words, he takes in a sharp breath and sits up. I stare up at him waiting for a response.

"Don't say it like that or I'll make a scene and drag you back to my room right now." He says leaning back down and my eyes widen.

"I didn't mean," I say too loudly, "I didn't mean it like that." I lower my voice in embarrassment and he chuckles. "Please." He runs his hands through his hair.

"Fuck... what about Yoongi?" He seems stressed thinking about it.

"Come after he goes to bed." I cringe at how desperate I sound but I really want to talk to him. He simply nods and gets up to grab a water bottle. We all continue to discuss future plans and what we'll do once we get back to Korea. Not long later, the boys thank me for letting them hangout before heading back to their own rooms. I wash my face and brush my teeth before climbing on top of my covers. I pull out my phone to check on him but then realize I don't even have his number. They're always together so I've been communicating with them through Tae's phone this whole time. I guess all I can do now is wait.


Yoongi gets into bed as soon we get back, thank god. I go to the bathroom to wash up before pacing anxiously for 10 minuets. I'm already nervous about seeing her but the thought of the boys finding out sends me into a panic. Who knows what kind of problems that would cause. Word would get around and she'd probably end up getting fired. Not to mention the amount of shit she would get from the fans. Idols aren't supposed to date. We can't catch feelings, we can't look at any girl with admiration, we can't be happy with someone we like...those are the golden rules and they're being broken every time I see her. One look into those glowing green eyes and I'm ready to risk it all. I shake my head and quietly exit the bathroom. All of the lights are off and Yoongi is curled up in his covers, snoring rather loud. My hands sweat and I can see my heartbeat through my eyes as I turn the door handle to leave.

"Are you staying with Cleo again?" Yoongi's voice nearly puts me on the floor. What did he just say?

"Wh-What?" Is all I can manage. I thought he was asleep.

"You stayed with Cleo last night, right? Are you going there again? If you are, can I take your pillows?" He says casually, propping himself on his elbows. My hands are shaking at this point. I shove them into my pockets. How can he say this so confidently? I've spent some time in Jimin's room, I even showered there this morning, hopefully making it seem like I was staying there.

"I didn't stay with her, why would you think-"

"You are too obvious. I thought it was a one way thing at first. I picked up on you doing all of these things for her but it didn't seem like she was reciprocating the feelings until recently." He yawns. "So are you going or no? There aren't enough pillows on these beds."

"Yoongi... Please don't...I..." I can't even find words to say. I wasn't ready to face this problem so soon.

"I don't care about it. If anything I think it's good that you've found someone that can actually put you in your place." He chuckles and I can't help the smile on my face as well. I'm relieved that he acts so casually.

"Do the others know?"

"No, they all still think she likes Jimin. I won't say anything, don't worry." He rubs his eyes and I let my shoulders relax.

"Thank you, so much."

"You really like her, huh?"

"I can't help it. I know she's a staff member but she's just so..." Again I'm at a loss for words. There's no words to describe the way she makes me feel. It's all so foreign.

"I know what you mean. Hell, I would've went for her too if I had the guts." It's weird hearing Yoongi talk about her but I'm glad he understands.

"Hey, you watch it." I jokingly warn and laugh with him.

"So the pillows?"

"They're all yours." I laugh and exit the room. I practically skip down the hallway, not able to contain my mood.


I sit, mindlessly scrolling, letting out a couple impatient sighs here and there. How long does it take for Yoongi to fall asleep? He's always tired I would think it's pretty quick. In the meantime, I decide to download twitter again to see more pictures from tonight. I log back in and begin searching. I find and save a few cute pictures of Jimin and I that were taken. Chungja really did a good job, I've never looked so good in pictures before. The more I scroll, the more I see mentions of "dating". I try to just scroll by them but it's getting hard to ignore. I finally stop and read one that has thousands of retweets already.

"Listen y'all, I don't speak much Korean but I swear I heard her say 'it's not like we're dating' then when she walked away Jungkook literally grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back... take what you want from this but I saw what I saw."

My heart drops at the mention of our conversation. I click on her profile and it's a famous Chinese model. She must have passed by when we were talking. Oh god, people are already making it a big deal. I'm going to have to say something to deny all of this. I run my hands through my hair. This is exactly what I didn't want, why did he have to act up like that?

A small knock sounds at the door, pulling me from my thoughts.

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