21: What He's Been Waiting For

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We get to the door and I welcome the chill of the air. That bar was getting too stuffy. Confused by his soft eyes yet harsh tone, I make a start for the hotel without waiting for him. I can't let my guard down. He's been rude to me almost the entire time I've been with them and I can't let the emotion behind his eyes alter my perception of him.

I stay ahead of him but turn around every couple of steps to assure that he is still behind me, that he didn't stumble off somewhere. I barely saw him drink anything, I don't know how he seems so intoxicated. I begin to walk faster due to the cold rush of air... and me not wearing a jacket. Once I reach the automatic doors, I head straight for the elevators. I wait for Jungkook, just so he's sure to get to the right floor. I stand in the confined box and hold my hand so the door doesn't close. He comes rushing in a couple of seconds later.

"Thanks." He mutters before another woman enters. We ride up to the 4th floor in an uncomfortable silence. The woman gets off and Jungkook and I continue up for 2 more floors. We walk down the hallway without a word before we reach our rooms, which are 2 doors apart.

We both fumble around in our pockets for our our room keys. He finds his easily but I can't seem to locate mine. I must have left it back at the bar with my purse. I sigh and throw my head back then turn my attention towards Jungkook who's still standing outside of his room, propping the door open with his foot. An amused grin plays on his face. "Did you want to use the bathroom in here?" He asks and and I nod before trudging over to the door he's holding open for me. He follows behind me and heads over to the nightstand. I slip into the large bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror. I look like I just stepped out of... well, a stuffy bar. I wipe away the access makeup underneath my eyes and run my hand through my waves of hair.

After I'm done drying my hands, I push the large door back open and walk over to the beds where Jungkook is seated. I'm not ready to go back yet, my head is still ringing. His hands are folded on his lap as he stares at the floor. Both beds are unmade and clothes and snacks clutter the room. Usually I'd prefer to have things neat but for some reason I like seeing their rooms like this. It proves that they're not all spic and span like they're brought up to be. They're still young men, they still make messes like young men do.

The lamps on both bedside tables bring a homey glow to the large room. I walk past Jungkook and stand in front of the window that takes up most of the wall. I stare out over the dark city and watch as cars move by in a rushed pattern. A couple looks to be arguing across the street, although they kind of look like ants rather than humans. I feel like I'm in a different dimension from them. I can see them, but they have no idea that I'm watching them or that I even exist. They're problems have nothing to do with me yet I'm involving myself by observing their actions. I wonder what's gotten them so upset?

"Cleo." Jungkook speaks.

"Hmm." I mutter, still watching the upset pair. The woman throws her hands in the air and stomps her feet, the man stands still looking defeated. It doesn't look like it's going to end well.

"Can I ask you something?" His serious tone catches me off guard. I turn away from the tiny people and jump when I see that he's already standing right behind me.

"You startled me." I say letting out a breath and holding my chest.

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." He stares at me. I can't read his face, I don't know what side of him stands before me.

"It's okay. What did you want to ask me?" I ask, slightly nervous. He takes a step towards me and I push my back up against the glass even though he's still several feet away from me.

"You and Jimin..." He starts, narrowing his eyes slightly, "is that a thing?" He asks as he cocks his head to the side, stepping even closer. My heart begins to pump faster and faster as he brings his hand to the back of my arm. His long fingers gently brush the fabric of my shirt. My body reacts differently from the last time this happened, almost like I've been hoping this would happen.

The Man You Are (BTS Jungkook) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz