13: "First Fight"

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"I'm sorry if that was out of pocket. I was just curious." I say after he doesn't answer. My cheeks start to turn red.

"Is that why you were crying in there? Was it about a guy?" He shifts on his side. I shake my head.

"No, not a guy. Family." I say and slide down further underneath the sheets.

"I've been in one relationship. I don't like to talk about it though." He says flatly. I'm surprised he answered, thankful though.

"That's fine. I don't like talking about my family." I shrug. He's still watching me, his hand holding up his head. He's dressed in a big red long sleeved shirt and khakis joggers. He looks so cozy, I can see the imprint of his chest through his shirt and something in me wants to burry my head into it. I don't know why these thoughts keep coming to my head. Maybe it's the alcohol. I can't forget who he really is...

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" He asks after a few moments of silence.

"Not really. I've never had the time."

"So you really are a one night stand kinda girl, huh?" He refers back to our conversation on the plane. I shoot him a glare but can't help to break a smile. A big cheesy smile spreads across his face causing his eyes to squint even more once he sees my reaction. When I take too long to respond, a high pitched cackle escapes his lips as he tilts his head back. "You totally are!" I can't help but laugh with him. I don't think I've heard him laugh this hard since I've met him. It's a beautiful sound, true laughter.

"N-no I'm not! I've had things. Just never one that was worth me investing that much of my time in." I cross my arms and frown jokingly.

"Ahh, adorable." He says and wipes a tear from his eye. My heart jumps at his word choice. Did he just call me adorable? He seems to notice my surprised look and changes the subject. "So, Miss. Summers, teach me something. We missed our lesson today." He looks at me eagerly. I teach him a few random goofy phrases he asked to learn. We giggle through the whole "lesson". I wish he was like this all of the time. After about 20 minuets, the conversation ends and he rests his head down on the bed. I watch as he closes his eyes, his bare feet are hanging off of the side of the bed but somehow he manages to fall asleep. Moments later, quiet snores escape his parted lips. I smile to myself before turning the lamp off and curling myself up under the covers so I don't kick him. As I close my eyes, I can hear him moving around. I feel him push himself further into the bed then feel his arm wrap tightly around my legs through the covers. I peek up and he's still sound asleep. What's with these boys and always having to hold something while they're sleeping? It's kind of cute. Soon enough, I find myself drifting off.

As always, my happy tomato song brings me out of my slumber. My eyes still feel swollen, great. I look over and see Yoongi getting out of the bed next to me and Jungkook fast asleep next to him. I wonder when he moved.

"Good morning." I smile at Yoongi and he smiles sleepily back.

"Good morning. I see you finally got through to this one." He whispers and motions to the sleeping boy. "You two were both asleep on your bed when I came up. He woke up when I walked in and moved. I'm not sure he was even fully awake when he did so." He chuckles as he gathers his clothes from his suitcase on the floor.

"Yeah I don't know, he was like a different person last night. He was actually talking to me, and being kind." I make a sarcastic surprised face and Yoongi laughs.

"That's Jungkook for you. Bitter one second then a sweet little angel the next. There's no in between." He shrugs and heads to the bathroom. The light is now shining brightly through the room through the big window next to me. I sit up in my bed and look over to the other bed. I watch as his chest rises and falls with each deep breath. His lips are slightly parted and his arms are above his head. He looks so peaceful. He starts to shift around and his eyes open, immediately looking at me.

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