18: Simple Mistakes

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A loud boom sounds at the door but I don't open my eyes. Jungkook moves from underneath me and I groan at the loss of my heat source. I pull the blankets over my head and burry my face into his pillow. I don't even care to see who's at the door, I just want to hold onto this tranquil state for a little longer.

"Cleo." His voice sounds above me. "Cleo, wake up." He puts his hand on my shoulder through the blanket and squeezes it gently. I yawn and roll over. I would rather face whoever's at the damn door like this than get out of bed. "I know, trust me, but the guys are on their way up. You gotta get out of bed." I open my eyes at his panicked tone.

"Like now?" I ask, sitting up suddenly.

"Yeah, come on." He waves his hand at me to hurry.

"You don't want them to know we slept in the same bed, do you?" I cross my arms.

"I just don't want them to get the wrong idea, Cleo, come on." He says glancing back at the door and bouncing a little. Why does he always have to change back in the morning? I've slept with Jimin and Tae and no ones ever "gotten the wrong idea", he's just agitated. Instead of getting out of bed, I decide to sit there longer which causes him to glare at me as his anxiety increases. Another knock at the door makes him jump. He quickly moves and places his hand on the knob. While his back is turned I slip out of the bed and onto the chair. He looks back at me as he slowly opens the door and mouths 'thank you'. I'm a little confused as to why he was so worried about them seeing that we slept in the same bed. We're all such good friends by now, they would know that we didn't "do" anything. Maybe he just doesn't want them seeing that we've become friends, that he actually enjoys me a little bit. He can't ruin the bad boy persona he's put up huh?

The boys pile into the room, all of them giving Jungkook hugs. I stay seated and eventually they make their way over to me. A couple of them sit on the bed with Jungkook.

"Awe Jungkook, you made Cleo sleep on this tiny chair all night? How mean." Jin says and sits next to me on the arm of the chair. Let's see how he's going to respond.

"Hey, she's the one who fell asleep there. I didn't want to wake her up." He says avoiding eye contact with me.

"At least you gave her a blanket." Yoongi says from the bed.

"No, she got that herself. It was an extra." Why does he feel the need to lie about these little things? It's really not that big of a deal.

"Oh come on Jungkook. You're going to need to learn how to treat a lady someday." Jin waves his finger at him. "Cleo would be perfect to practice on!" He says and everyone laughs, except for Jungkook and I. He shakes his head and I bite the inside of my cheek. The tension between us right now is suffocating and it's only because he's making it that way.

After he gets discharged, we all leave the hospital together. We pile into a van parked in the front. The air is cold and I forget to bring a coat. The boys are all cozied up in parkas. They don't have shows for a couple of days now so I hope they all get some well deserved rest. The ride back to the hotel isn't long and once we're there, we all go into Jin and Namjoon's room. The 8 of us scatter around and I throw myself onto one of the perfectly made beds, closing my eyes. I can hear Jimin chuckle as he weighs the bed down by sitting next to me. "Someone didn't get much sleep last night." He says. I peek up at him with one eye open.

"Yeah, I didn't sleep well at all. Did you see how small that chair was?" I continue with Jungkook's lie.

"You should've snuggled up next to Jungkook! I'm sure he would've loved it." Jimin laughs and he kicks his shoes off and snuggles up next to me. No one pays attention to the intimate gesture because it's so normal of him to do.

"Not everyone's a cuddler like you." I chuckle at him and put my hand on the top of his head.

"Oh sure he is, he's just scared of girls." Jimin laughs again. Jungkook heard his friend over the chatter and glares at him from the other bed.

"Quit talking about me." He says and turns his attention back to the TV,  shoving a handful cheez it's in his mouth. Oh if only they knew.

"Oh my god." Namjoon, who is sitting in a desk chair says. His serious tone silences everyone.

"What?" All of us ask at the same time, staring at him in anticipation.

"God we're so stupid, how could we mess up this bad?" He says and puts his hand on his forehead. His eyes move quickly as he continues to scroll through his phone.

"What happened?" Tae asks. He moves behind Namjoon to see. His face immediately drops as he sees whatever it is that's on Namjoons phone.

"Cleo," Namjoon starts "Theres a video..." he trails off. What? Jimin sits up quickly and I follow.

"What do you mean?" I'm getting more nervous the more I look at them. Their faces are pale and hold worry.

"Remember when we left together from the front of the building? Well an army saw and took a video. It's already trending on twitter." Namjoon throws his head back and Tae grabs the phone from his hand to watch it for himself. "We're just so used to having you around with us, we didn't even think about it. I'm so sorry." He looks at me with pity.

"Can I see?" I ask and Tae hands me the phone. Jimin and I watch the video together. It's just a video of us walking from the hospital to the van, as expected. You can see my face, but it's not clear. Maybe they won't be able to recognize me. The caption to the video reads: WHY ARE THEY LEAVING A HOSPITAL AND WHO IS THAT WHITE GIRL WITH THEM??!! Maybe it's Cleo....? I just hope everyone's okay :(

My heart drops further into my stomach at the mention of my name. I had a feeling this would come eventually but I didn't know it would be this soon.

"It's okay, this kind of thing is inevitable with the amount of followers you guys have." I shrug. "Don't worry about it." My head might be spinning and my hands might be producing so much sweat that the phone keeps slipping from them but I need to play it off as if I don't care. I don't want the boys to feel like it's their fault because it's not.

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