31: Turn of Events

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"We need to talk." I say, kind of upset but mostly anxious.

"Wh-What? About what?" He seems taken aback.

"Look." I shove my phone in his face and he takes it. His eyebrows furrow as he tries to read.

"I can't understand it all, can you translate it please? You're making me nervous." He says. I quickly restate the tweet and watch as his face pales. "I...I'm sorry I didn't know anyone could hear." He sulks. Why does he look so worn out? Is he that tired after today?

"I told you someone would see. You can't do that kind of stuff, you should know that by now."

"It just came over me, I didn't know what to do." His voice is so soft it's hard to act upset with him right now.

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't like seeing him flirt with you and I wanted to get you away..." he looks down.

"So you drag me across the venue by my arm?"

"I overreacted, okay? I'm sorry." He snaps, his attitude suddenly changing. He seems exhausted and irritable. Maybe I should just drop it and go to sleep. I don't want to start a fight at this hour.

"It's okay, this just means we have to be even more careful when appearing in public since they already suspect us." I say, taking my phone back and putting in my pocket. He scoffs and walks past me. Laying himself down on my bed, he stares at the ceiling.

"Why do you have to make it a bigger deal than it is?" He says, almost whining. Is he serious?

"Jungkook," I say too harshly, "Jungkook... you have to understand your status versus mine. If the public finds out your dating anyone, especially someone like me, they'll rip you and I both to shreds. It's just what happens." His head shoots up and he looks at me in shock. "What?"

"We're not dating." He says with judgment and my feelings are hurt even though I didn't mean to use that word.

"I know... I didn't mean to put it like that." I walk over to the big chair he was sat in earlier and slump down into it. The atmosphere is not a positive one and it's making me uneasy. He keeps himself propped up on his elbows while I avoid eye contact. I wanted to be with him so badly earlier but now I just want him to go away. His comments are reminding me of the way he treated me when we first met.

"What do you mean by 'a person like you' anyways?" He softens his voice, seeing my reaction to his comment.

"You know... a staff member. Not an idol or actress or whatever. They'd be happier to see you with someone like that." I speak the truth but he doesn't seem to agree.

"Are you- are you kidding me? Cleo, you've got to give yourself more credit." He says laying his head back down. I stay quite, no longer wanting to engage in the conversation. I still need to thank him for tonight but now isn't the right time. I don't know how to approach him, I'm not sure how he'll react and I really don't feel like getting my feelings hurt anymore. He's so hot and cold. "Okay.." He says, quickly pushing himself off the bed. I snap out of my thoughts and look up to him striding over to me. Once he reaches me, his arms push their way underneath my legs and behind my back and he swiftly lifts me up off of the chair with a grunt. I giggle like a little girl and wrap my arms around his neck. He lays me down gently onto the big bed and I keep quite as he walks around to the other side and crawls on, himself. The small smile on my face grows as he moves his body next to mine and nuzzles his head into my neck while humming softly.

"You're something else." I chuckle and fluff his clean hair. I have to keep in mind that he's not used to dealing with his feelings in this way so his actions or attitude changes might seem a little unnatural. I'm just happy he's decided to change the mood.

"I'm sorry." This time his apology seems sincere. This might be the first real apology I've ever heard out of him.

"I didn't mean that in a bad way." I laugh, thinking he's talking about me calling him 'something else'.

"No, I'm sorry for tonight and for the comment I made earlier. I know that upset you and I didn't mean for it to. The idea of dating just scares me a little that's all." His breath tickles my neck while he talks. "And I know I shouldn't have grabbed you like that in front of that many people and I'm sorry for making you stressed." He says it all very quickly and I know he's uncomfortable admitting to his faults but I'm glad he's communicating with me.

"It's okay, thank you for apologizing." I no longer want to think about it, I just want to hold him while I can, I know morning will come too soon. "I'm sorry too." I say honestly.

"For what?"

"For ignoring you at the event. I was more than thankful that you brought me with you but I was so afraid someone would see me talking to you. I guess I'm only afraid because their accusations would be true... about us I mean. That's why I get so nervous so I'm sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you."

"I understand now. It's okay though, I'm glad you were able to come with." He lifts his head up so his face is inches from mine. "Let me just say, Tae did an amazing job with that dress." A small smirk begins to tug at his lips and I chuckle.

"I know right. It fit in all the right places!" I say, slightly teasing.

"Where is that dress now? I might have you put it back on just so I can take it off with my own hands." His arm that was previously holding me begins to sneak up my side. The thought fascinates me but he knows it's going to take me awhile to be comfortable doing those kinds of things with him, given his past.

"Mmm, not so fast mister." I giggle and push his hand back down.

"Can I ask you why? I'm not trying to be pushy, I'll wait as long as you want, I'm just curious." He puts his hand back on my hip and squeezes.

"I know your past consists of messing around with a lot of girls so I want you to prove to me that I'm not just a body or that I'm not someone.."

"Someone like Jinjoo." He finishes my thoughts for me.

"Well... yeah I guess. I owe it to myself, too."

"What do you mean?"

"I have a past too, a similar one to yours except I've always been the Jinjoo. I would go back and change my ways if I could but I can't. All I can do is change the future."

"With me." He says so quietly I can barely hear him. "Your future with me." My heart swells at his words and I rub his back with my hand.

"We'll see, okay?" I smile, knowing damn well I'm already falling harder than I expected to.

"I wish you already knew, but I'll show you that you're not like them." He says against my skin.

"Okay." I say softly. "Here lets get under the covers before you fall asleep." I wait until he rolls off of me to yank the blankets open. I begin to walk across the room to turn the light off. I suddenly remembered the time he told me he sleeps better when he's with me and a warm feeling flows throughout my body. "You must be exhausted after tonight. Did you need anything before we sleep? A glass of water or anything? I think there's still some snacks in the fridge..." I say, wanting to make sure he's comfortable. I flick the light off and turn to go back to bed but, to my surprise, he's standing right in front of me. I jump a little and he steps forward. I step backwards until by back is up against the wall, my eyes connected with his the whole time. I expected a lustful glare but his eyes hold admiration instead, softness. He looks down and gently takes my hand in his. His fingers graze over the back of it and I watch as they move up my wrist and onto my forearm. Up and up until his hand meets my face. I lean into his touch and look up to him. His eyes pour into mine and I can't look away. His thumb brushes my cheek and I can't take it anymore.

"Jungkook." I finally break the silence.

"Mmm." He hums.

"Please kiss me."

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