12: A Different Side of Him

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"Oh my god..." he says and crouches in front of me. I hide my face in my hands and take deep breaths.

"Please go away. I'm fine." I say, my voice quiet. I got the tears to stop for now. Maybe he didn't see that I was crying.

"Cleo..." He says my name in a tone I've never heard. It's like there's actually emotion behind it. I keep my face buried in my arms, my hair hangs long over my shoulders.

"Please." The word weakly escapes my lips. I feel his hand on the back of my head.

"Look at me." He demands. Why is he making me do this? Why can't he leave me alone? What is he going to do? Comfort me? Jungkook? Not in a million years. Even if he was, I don't want it. I just want to be alone right now.

I slowly move my head up. I know my mascara has covered my cheeks in black stains. I know my eyes are swollen and red when they meet his. His face looks different, it's gentle. His eyebrows aren't furrowed for once and his permanent scowl isn't present. "Jungkook, please. I just want to be left alone for a moment." I say and look away uncomfortably. He's moves from his crouched position in front of me and sits on the cold tile floor with his legs crossed, indicating that he's not leaving. I feel like he's mocking me. He's not even saying anything, he's just staring at me. He lifts his hand back up to my face and tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear. His touch is almost soothing. I close my eyes momentarily, allowing myself to feel comforted by him.

"You don't need to tell me what happened if you don't want to," He starts, keeping his hand on my cheek. "But I'm not going anywhere." He whispers and I can't help but tear up again. It feels good to hear those words, to feel that sense of comfort again after everything that's happened, even if it's coming from Jungkook.

"I-I just miss them so much." The tears return. I push his hand off of my cheek and cover my face with my own as my body shakes with sobs. I feel embarrassed to be crying like this is in front of him but I just can't contain it. I just want to have to tell him about them...I can hear him move and suddenly I feel his arms around my shoulders, pulling me towards him. I quickly open my arms up to him and wrap them around his neck, now feening for any sort of reassurance. I climb onto his lap to get more contact. I just need something, anything to hold right now.

"It's okay, It's okay." He says into my hair and I cry into the hood of his black zip up, the scent of him fills my nose. I feel his arms tighten around me, completely consuming me. It feels good, so good so have someone there for me. I know he'll go back to ignoring me as soon as I stop crying but right now I'm taking advantage of his offers. After moments, my sobs disappear and my breathing slows. We're still holding onto each other. I'm not ready to let go.

"Thank you." I croak and loosen my grip. Still in his lap, I sit back far enough to finally meet his eyes. He has the eyes of a doe, they're so big and contain the innocence of a child.

"Here," He says and pulls me back onto him, "hold on tight." I grip back around him and wrap my legs around his waist as he stands up with a slight sigh. He kicks the bathroom door back open with his foot and carries me to the bed closest to the window. He gently places me on top of the covers and stands above me. "I thought that'd be a little more comfortable." He says, barely chucking. "Wait here, I'll be right back." He says before heading out of the room and closing the door behind him. I close my eyes and breathe. What was that? I'm confused as how to feel. He was... taking care of me... I stand up and dig through my bag before changing into my sweats and wiping all of the excess makeup off of my face then tuck myself back in. The alcohol is still running through my veins. I wonder if he's drunk. Maybe he only shows affection when he is. My mind travels back to the night of the party.

Jungkook's POV

I quietly step down the stairs and try to make it into the kitchen unnoticed. Unfortunately, Namjoon walks in seconds later.

"Did you see Cleo up there?" He asks as he pulls out a packet of ramen.

"Yeah, She's passed out. Probably had one too many." I say pulling a coco pouch from the packet. "I'm gonna head back up in a second, my head is killing me." I yawn.

"Maybe you had one too many." He chuckles and sticks the bowl of noodles into the microwave before leaving. I quickly whip up a small cup of hot cocoa before saying a quick goodnight to the others and heading back up. Back to her.


I jump out of my light sleep at the sound of the door opening. I didn't actually expect him to come back. Is he carrying something or are my eyes fuzzy?

"Here... I hope you like hot cocoa. It's my go-to when I'm not feeling my best." He says and sits on the foot of the bed, holding out the mug. This small gesture makes me feel warm inside and I haven't even taken a sip yet. No ones ever comforted me like this, at all really. I sit up and happily take it. I don't know how long this kindness will last. I'll take it while I can get it.

"It's my favorite. Thank you." I smile, feeling satisfied. The memories of my sisters and I running in through the back door of our old house after playing in the snow for hours to see that my mom has made us all huge mugs of cocoa skims through my brain. I feel a pang of contentment though, rather than sadness. I sip on the cocoa and rest my back against the headboard. I watch as Jungkook rearranges himself to lay down across the foot of the bed. His eyes focus on the ceiling and his hands are behind his head. His features glow in the dim lit room. He really is quite good looking when he doesn't look so... angry. He turns his head slightly and catches me staring. I look away quickly and take another sip.

"What?" He asks. When I look back, a small grin plays on his lips. His eyes look like they're smiling too.

"Nothing. Can I ask you something?" I say trying to dismiss my stares. He doesn't say anything, he just nods. "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" The first thought that comes to my head exits my mouth. He picks his head up off of his hands and gives me a weird look. Should I not have asked that?

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