27: Becomming Public

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"Okay." He breathes and tugs the blankets out from underneath our bodies. I sit up with my eyes closed and wait for him to flip them over before climbing into the sheets. He flicks off the lamp on the bedside table and moves back to the middle of the bed. I yawn and lay back on my side as his body molds to mine from behind. "You're cute when you're tired."

"Mmm, I'm always tired." I chuckle.

"Therefor, you're always cute." He says. Hearing him use these sweet terms is something I never thought I'd get to experience. I turn around to face him and sure enough his big bunny smile is spread beautifully across his face. His eyes reflect the moonlight shining in as his hair falls onto his forehead. I brush it back with my hand and he closes his eyes, still smiling.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" I speak before I can think, then suddenly feel embarrassed with my word choice.

"Here and there, but it didn't mean a thing to me until now." He says as I continue to play with his hair. I move my hand down to his check and bring my face to his. He reacts quickly to my kiss, almost like he was expecting it. I kiss him softly, with affection rather than lust then pull away.

"I won't regret this, will I?" My voice comes out in whisper. I keep my face inches from his. I believe what he's told me, I don't see him making this much of an effort for someone he just wants to mess around with, there were feelings in his words and behind his eyes that I couldn't deny.

"I won't let you." He kisses my forehead again and my heart turns to mush. I burry my face in his neck and take in his scent, it's recently become one of my favorites.

"Good." My voice barely comes out. His warmth causes me to become even sleepier and I drift off while still in his arms.

Morning comes too soon. The bright sunlight shines through the open blinds and I slowly open my eyes. Jungkook still lies asleep with his head on my chest. His arms remain around me and his legs are completely intertwined with mine. A smile involuntarily comes to my lips as I watch him take in small breaths. He looks so young when he sleeps. I can't help but bring my hand to his messy hair. I begin to gently push it off of his face as I admire him. He takes in a deep breath and starts moving around. I pull my hand away and hope that he remains asleep but am greeted with the sleepy glow of his big brown eyes instead.

"Good morning." I smile down at him. He blinks a couple times before groaning and closing his eyes again, laying his head back on my chest.

"Five more minuets." He mutters. I chuckle and rub his back.

"Come on, today is an important day!" I say expressing a lot of enthusiasm. He slowly pushes himself off of me and sits up with his eyes still closed.

"What human is always this cheery in the morning?"

"Well see that's the thing, I'm actually from mars... so." I shrug, earning a sleepy chuckle from him. "How did you sleep?" I ask with a grin.



"The best I've slept in awhile." He looks down and blushes. Why is he getting shy now?

"I'm glad. You need good rest, you work yourself so hard these days." I'm sure he's heard these words before but it's true. I worry about him.

"I know. Everyone tells me that. I just want to do my best for them, they deserve it." He says and slides off of the bed. His love for Army is so strong, anyone can see it. It's almost like he loves them more than himself. I stay in bed for a moment and think about the way Jungkook treats himself. How he risks his health and well being to put on the best show he can for his adoring fans. It's like he doesn't care about what happens to him as long as they get a good performance. What he doesn't understand is, his fans would rather him be well than to see some dancing. Although his performance is phenomenal, Army would take a happy, healthy Jungkook over anything. I'm sure of it.

The Man You Are (BTS Jungkook) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz