9: Memory Loss

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After getting all ready, I turn off the lamp in my room and head across the hall to Jimin's room. I tap lightly on the door, hoping he's not asleep yet. I hear footsteps before the door opens, revealing a sleepy eyed Jimin. "Cleo?" He speaks. His voice already raspy. He's in a big tee shirt and joggers.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" I ask feeling bad for my intrusion.

"It's fine, are you alright?" He says rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah um... Jungkook is asleep in my bed because there's a girl passed out in his bed and I really would rather not sleep with either one of them and you're the only other one with a room to themselves and I was wondering if I could maybe-" He cuts me off.

"Yeah that's fine, you can sleep in here." He opens the door further and trudges to his big bed. I follow, trying to maneuver my way through the dark room.

"Thank you." I speak quietly before climbing onto the other side of his bed.

"Mmm, so why isn't Jungkook sleeping with the girl he dragged in?" He asks after getting back under the covers.

"I have no idea. He didn't respond when I tried shaking him awake." I stare up at the ceiling.

"Yeah he's tough to wake up. He's fallen asleep in the middle of photo shoots before and wouldn't get back up." He chuckles at the memory.

"He seems... hard to get along with."

"He's been acting weird lately. He goes through phases like this sometimes where he gets all down on himself for some reason. I mean, we all get down on ourselves but he just handles it differently." He shifts to his side.

"Hmm, I'll just stay out of his way." I say softly, starting to fall asleep already. "Goodnight Jimin, see you in the morning." I say into the pillow. I hear him chuckle softly.

"Goodnight Cleo, sweet dreams." And with that we both drifted off.

At some point during the night, I feel a weight on my stomach. I open my eyes and see that both Jimin and I have migrated to the middle of the big bed. He's laying next to me on his stomach, with his arm hung over my abdomen as he sleeps soundly. Little breaths escape his mouth, he looks so peaceful. I remember reading somewhere that he's very cuddly, especially with people he's sharing a bed with. I smile to myself and lay my hand on top of his arm before falling back to sleep. How precious.

The morning comes too soon. I hear a little "Hey." From above me as someone pokes my cheek. "Hey, it's time to get up." Jimin says, laughing a little bit as I move around underneath him.

"I'm up, I'm up." A smile breaks across my tired face. He pokes my cheek one more time for fun before getting out of bed.

"Sleep well?"

"Sure did. You?"

"Like a baby." He smiles again. "I didn't want to wake you but I wasn't sure if you were packed yet. We're leaving in an hour and a half for the airport." When I first met him he was so cold towards me which I can understand, me being just a random staff member, but I'm just happy I've surpassed the 'strictly business' Jimin and gotten to know this smiley, happy Jimin instead.

"Oh yeah, forgot about the whole leaving thing." I say and push myself out of bed. "I'll go pack up. See you in a few." I give him a small wave and head to my room. I open Jungkook's door first, just to check. The girl is gone now, she must have left during the night. Jungkook's not in there either though. I walk into my room and see Jungkook stepping out of my bed. His hair sticking in all directions. He spots me and his eyes go wide.

"What happened last night." He asks rubbing his temples, his voice low.

"Huh? You don't remember?" Please say he doesn't. Please say he forgot.

"D-did we..." He asks, looking horrified.

"No, god no." I shake my head. Thank god he doesn't remember. That'll save me from a life time of awkward tension.

"Then why did I wake up in your bed?" He points back at the bed abruptly.

"Because you wouldn't get out of it. Some girl fell asleep in your bed so you thought it was ok to take over mine. Not cool." I cross my arms and stare him down.

"Then where did you sleep?" He asks, his eyes big. He really doesn't remember any of last night.

"Jimin's room." I state.

"You slept with Jimin?" He asks widening his eyes even more. He looks so different from last night. He looks so innocent with this confused, sleepy look on his face. He doesn't have that dark, demonic glare in his eye anymore. The thought of his hooded eyes glaring down at mine makes my blood feel like ice.

"Not like that, jesus. We just slept." I roll my eyes and bend down before my dresser. I start to fold my clothes and put them away into my suitcase. For some reason, Jungkook doesn't move. "You might want to start packing, we're leaving in an hour or so."

"O-ok.." He trails off and heads to his room. I wonder if this happens often. Getting so drunk he doesn't recall anything from the night before, leaving random girls passed out after hooking up with them. It's tragic actually but I guess that kind of stuff comes with the fame.

The drive to the airport seems shorter than when we first arrived. Jimin sits next to me in the car and immediately starts rubbing his eyes. As soon as the car starts to move, his head falls onto my shoulder, pulling me from my daydream. I shift in the seat so my back is against the car door. He rearranges himself so that his head lays on my chest, allowing him to be more comfortable. I lean my head against the window and find myself drifting back off to sleep.

The sound of a car door slamming shut causes both Jimin and I to shoot up out of our little power nap.

"That almost gave me a heart attack." Jimin says clutching his chest and gasping dramatically.

"Hurry up, I wanna get going." Jungkook says, getting out of the front seat. He looks exhausted. He slings his backpack over his shoulder and brushes his hair off of his forehead before heading for the plane. Jimin and I simultaneously roll our eyes before grabbing our carry on bags and following Jungkook. Because Jimin and I were the last ones on, there were only two empty spots. One next to J Hope and one next to Jungkook.

"Not it." Jimin whispers to me.

"Don't you dare." I clench my teeth. Before I can move, he books it to the back of the plane and throws himself into the seat next to Hobi.

"Heyyy my roommate!" Jimin says in English and gives Hobi a high five. No way am I sitting next to Jungkook for 13 hours back to America. I'd almost rather sit in the bathroom the whole time. I glance at the door in the back of the plane, seriously considering it before trudging over to the seat next to Jungkook. His head is leaned back against the seat but he looks over at me as I sit down. I immediately pull out my headphones and my book without looking at him even though I can feel his eyes on me.  I know he doesn't remember but I do. The way he said seeing me in his clothes made him look at me differently, what did he mean? He was drunk he didn't even know what he was saying. Just let it go, I tell myself as the plane starts to take off.

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