4: Nap Time

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The next month goes by way slower than I was hoping. I found it so hard not to tell anyone about this huge thing happening in my life right now, it was eating away at me. The only other people who knew about it was Hayoon and Mrs. Kang. I made sure to swear Hayoon to secrecy, I knew I could trust Mrs. Kang. I don't always enjoy talking about it with Hayoon though, she just talks about how I'm going to fall in love and we're going to have the "cutest mixed babies". I almost choked on my noodles when she used those words.

"Where did you learn to talk like that, Hayoon?" Mrs. Kang scolds her. Her glare could cut through stone. Hayoon shrinks down into her chair.

"I'm sorry I'm just so excited for Miss. Summers." She tried to save herself.

"I am too but I choose to express my excitement in other words." Mrs. Kang picks up her book again and begins reading.

On the last day, the goodbyes nearly brought me to tears. I said goodbye to the students as they exited to go to their homes. Hayoon ran up and wrapped her small arms around my legs. As Mrs. Kang came over and wrapped her arms around both of us. The only thing keeping me from breaking down was knowing that I'll see them as soon as I come back. "You'll do great things. You have everything you'll ever need right up there." Mrs. Kang smiles and gently placed her pointer finger on my forehead. I thanked her for her kindness and everything she taught me.

Back at my apartment, I gather my suitcase and my purse and head for the airport.

Once I enter the sliding doors of the airport, the panic starts to surface. I pull out my phone and look at where they told me to meet Mr. Woo. Just before security, I see him seated on a bench. He's the same man that walked with me at the company building.

"Right this way, Miss. Summers. No time to waist." He said smiling and leading the way through the many crowds. Security was quick. Mr. Woo kept showing people this name tag thing he was carrying around his neck and it allowed us to skim right through the lines of people. He then opened a door leading to a bunch of stairs rather than leading me to terminal. The gust of wind that rushed through the hallway as Mr. Woo pushed the final door open almost blew me back. We walked outside onto a large platform, with a smaller plane stationed ahead, stairs were being unfolded from it as we walked.

"This is the members jet, that one over there is the staff jet." He said pointing to another, larger jet. I nodded and headed for the staff jet, expecting him to go too. Of course they have private jets. Why wouldn't they? "No no, Miss. Summers. You're going with the members, they need the emersion right away." What? I get to go on their plane? With them?

"Do any other staff members go on that plane?" I ask, my voice shaking a little. He shakes his head.

"You're an exception." He smiles and sends me off.

Ok breathe, Cleo, breathe. It's only a two and a half hour flight. Japan is the first stop. As I get closer to the plane, a black SUV pulls up, and the 7 boys flood out of it. Each one of them wearing sweatpants and either hoodies or parkas. Masks covering each one of their faces except RM's.

"Ahh, Miss. Summers. Welcome aboard." He smiles to me as I reach the stairs. My nose feels numb, the air is so crisp in the evening.

"Thank you, thank you." I respond, sniffling.

"Ladies first." He motions up the stairs. The other members are still getting their belongings out of the car.
I take a deep breath and begin up the flight, RM following right behind me. There's something comforting about his presence, but I'm not sure what it is.
I gasp as I enter the cabin. It's gorgeous, it's like a hotel in a plane. The windows are huge and the seats look like fancy recliners.

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