16: What am I Feeling?

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I ride the whole way to the hospital with his hand in mine. He stays awake but doesn't say much. I hope we get to the Hospital soon.

Once we arrive, they pull him out of the back and I follow them down the long white hallways. They wheel him into a room and close the door without a word to me.

"I think he'll be okay." The nurse said after leaving his room. I'm now allowed to go in yet. The other boys had to meet with a producer of theirs so they couldn't make it here but I've been keeping them updated through text. "He's been stable for awhile, no longer falling in and out of consciousness. This was definitely a severe form of heat exhaustion. What does he do for work? You came here with him didn't you?"

"Um, yeah. He uh he's in a boyband. From Korea. He had a performance tonight at the arena nearby and overworked himself." I squeeze my hands together. She raises her eyebrows as she scribbles down my comments on her clipboard.

"From Korea, you said? What's his name?" She tucks pieces of her short blonde hair behind her ear. "He wouldn't talk to us... he's been stubborn." I want to scoff at the irony but I don't.

"Yes, South Korea. His name is Jeon Jungkook he's 21, born on September 1st and he doesn't speak any English." I speak, nervously.

"Okay, Okay. And you're the girlfriend?"

"N-no I'm his English teacher. I travel with them."

"I see. Well thank you. He should be ready for visitors. His vitals are stable and he's been well and awake for an hour or so now." I thank her. She tucks her clipboard under her arm and heads off.

I hesitantly push open the big wooden door and peek my head in. I see him sitting up in the bed, staring up at a TV with big eyes. The sight of him well again makes me relax. He spots me in the doorway and gives me a small smile. Assuming that's my invitation, I enter the room and stand by the side of his bed.

"How are you?" I speak carefully, not knowing what version of him I'm going to get.

"I'm okay. Much better." He says and nods.

"Good, good." I shift uncomfortably before sitting down in the blue chair by the bed.

"Thank you Cleo." He blurts out after a couple moments of silence. The noise from the tv plays in the background.

"Huh?" I look up at him.

"Thank you for everything. I was told that you helped me, you took care of me. I remember hearing your voice saying my name when I was on the floor. You sounded so scared and I wanted so badly to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I wanted to let you know that I could hear you and that I was going to be ok but I just couldn't." He speaks, meeting my eyes here and there. "I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there." His expression holds remorse and I want to take his hand in mine again but I stay seated.  

"You're welcome. I'm glad I was able to help you. You really had me scared." I say almost chuckling.

"I know I'm sorry. You deserve a raise for the things you put up with."

"Oh, don't be silly." I wave my hand at him.

We talk for awhile longer about the show. It's 11:30 P.M and I'm starting to get tired. Jungkook is allowed to be mobile now so he gets up to use the restroom. Only the small lamp placed next to the bed is lighting up this big room. I lean back into the big chair and stare out of the dark window on the other side of the room. Because we're so high up, I can only see a slight glow of the city coming from down below. I wonder where the boys are. They haven't responded to my texts about Jungkook being well. My eyes feel more and more heavy the more I stare out into the night sky. I set my phone down and rest my head on the back of the chair.


It's weird to me how clean and pristine hospitals are. I don't like it, it's cold and lifeless. I dry my hands after washing them and reach for the door knob. They gave me these grey sweatpants to wear and a plain white tee shirt that fits me too tightly.

I feel perfectly fine despite what happened earlier. I've come close to fainting many times for the same reasons but never actually fainted. It was like I was suddenly sick with a terrible flu. I remember seeing Cleo in the dressing room and then everything went black. I don't even remember falling to the ground. When I was coming to, I felt her hands on my chest and I could hear her voice from above me. I've never heard a voice hold so much fear. I wanted to get up just so she would stop being so worried but I couldn't move. When I was finally able to open my eyes, her face was looking down at me, her vibrant eyes practically pouring into mine. For the few seconds that she was within my line of sight, I could see her visibly relax. I had no doubt that it was her voice, her touch, that pulled me back into reality. That's why I kept asking for her, she made me feel awake. Not long later, I could hear her by me again when we were in the ambulance. I didn't hear her come in but I felt her hand on my arm and wanted to see her. It took me awhile but I was able to open my eyes again. Even though I was too weak to speak much, I just wanted to look at her. Maybe it was her expressions or her true concern for me but I saw yet another side to her tonight. A side that made me feel safe with her, a side that let me see how she cares for me just as much as the other boys, even though I'm cruel to her. By now, anyone knows that she has a loving heart but tonight, I saw it, I felt it. I'd never let her know this though.

My bare feet are cold on the white tile floor of the hospital room. Being exposed to the air conditioned room after being confined in blankets all night makes me shiver. I look over to where Cleo is sitting and, by no surprise, she is fast asleep on the big blue chair. She's had a stressful day herself. I walk over and grab the extra white blanket that was folded up at the foot of my bed. My feet move to stand in front of her and I watch her for only a second. Her blonde hair is pulled up into a messy, frizzy ponytail, exposing her face. Her mouth is barely opened and she takes quiet, small breaths. The red sweater she often carries with her hangs off of her shoulders as her chest rises and falls. The small flower pendant lies perfectly in the middle of her collarbones. If she woke up right now, I would be in big trouble. I place the blanket over her small body before tucking myself back in and switching off the lamp. What has gotten into to me?

Writers note !

Ahh, okay if you're still reading, thank you so much and I hope you're enjoying it. I'm planning on writing another one soon, this one will be a lot shorter and gets to the point quicker lol 🤭

ALSO, if you haven't noticed, I've been putting images at the top of the chapters to represent how I picture the setting and what not!!😎😎

Don't forget to vote & comment. Thank you 💖💖🥺🥺💜🥳🥳


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