10: Her Flower

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About 30 minuets into the flight. I tear my eyes away from the pages of my book, take my headphones out and peek past a sleeping Jungkook to see the beautiful sunrise from above the clouds. The clouds look like a blanket underneath us and I find myself wondering what it would be like to run around on them if they were a solid matter. I remember reading this book when I was younger about the children of the clouds. I was so envious of them. They got to prance around in these big fluffy cotton balls all day. No work, no worries.

"Isn't it beautiful?" A voice speaks from beside me. I thought he was sleeping. I pan over to look at Jungkook. He's wearing a white button up shirt with his arms crossed over his chest as he gazes out the window. His long earrings swaying with every slight movement. I never realized he had so many piercings.

"It is." I speak, still watching his jewelry. He turns his head to face me and I look away before his eyes can meet mine. I start to put my headphones back in but he continues.

"Hey, you've been acting stranger than usual this morning. Did something happen last night?" Why couldn't he have just stayed quiet. I'm a terrible liar.

"I don't act strange." I say and look at him. Instead of looking angry like he usually does, he looks... soft. My words cause a small smile to play on his lips and I look away again. I just can't maintain eye contact with him, why?

"You didn't answer my question." He said and tilts his head down, trying to meet my eyes.

"I don't know, I barely saw you last night. You were with that girl until I came up to you sleeping in my bed and her in yours." That sounded convincing enough. The song Boy With A Coin by Iron and Wine is playing through one of my headphones as we talk, it oddly fits the mood right now.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I just usually like a bed to myself in situations like that."

"So you sleep with a girl then just send her off is what you're saying?" That comment was probably out of pocket.

"In most situations, yes." He answers casually.

"Classy." I scoff.

"And what do you know about class, Mrs. Summers?" He raises his eyebrows at me as I look back up. His comment was harsh but his features hold humor.

"When I have one night stands I at least let the poor guy stay until the morning." I say and immediately regret revealing something that private to... my boss. I look around to see if anyone else heard but they're all sound asleep  except for Yoongi but he has his headphones in.

"Ahh how nice of you. Do you make them breakfast in bed too?" He teases.

"I'm done with this conversation. Just don't  mess up my sleeping situation and we won't have any problems in the future." I warn, kind of jokingly. He barely chuckles and sets his head back on the seat.

"So intimidating." He mumbles. I don't respond, my blood is starting to boil due to his comments and it's only an hour into the flight. I'm surprised I've already made it this far. The slow hum of my music flushes away the irritation in me as I close my eyes. Maybe I'll just sleep for 12 hours.

I dream about running around in this huge field of flowers. When I was younger, my dad would take my sisters and I to these beautiful places when mom would get out of control. I guess he thought that beauty of what was in front of us would take our minds off of what was going on back home. Most of the time it worked. I didn't appreciate his gestures enough until I got older. Now I'd give anything to be back in that flower field with my two sisters and my dad. He always said that everyone knew we were sisters because we all had identical eyes. The rest of our features differed but our eyes were colored in the exact shade of deep green. In the dream, I fall down laughing with Delilah, the youngest sister. We land softly on our backs as the flowers consume us, my hand in hers. Soon Margo, the oldest sister, prances over and digs through the tall flowers to find us. She grabs my foot without knowing and shrieks, causing all three of us to burst into laughter. Their faces are so filled with joy and youth. We look up and see a male figure walking towards us but I can't quite make him out because he still so far away. Suddenly a flower tickles my arm. I jump at the surreal contact and quickly itch the spot where the flower touched me.

The Man You Are (BTS Jungkook) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon