25: A Turn of Events

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Once the door closes behind him I let out a silent scream. He really just kissed me goodbye, what does that mean? And his talk of "us" earlier? My mind is swimming with thoughts that I can't handle at this moment. Sleep. That's it. I need sleep right now.
It's 12pm. My hands shake as I pick up my phone to set an alarm for 4. When I
wake up, I'll get ready and head to the arena.

I toss and turn for about an hour before finally falling asleep under the softest silk sheets.

When I wake up at 4, I pull myself out of bed and put some music on before jumping in the shower. I'm in a surprisingly good mood, and it's no doubt due to Jungkook's visit earlier. As I search through my bags, I decide I want to wear something more... revealing tonight. It's Paris, the city of love, if I'm going to show this side of me it might as well be here. I pull out the tightest pair of black high waisted jeans that I own and a tight, forest green tube top and throw a leather jacket on top. Grabbing my black pumps, feel very satisfied with my outfit once it's on. I go to the bathroom to curl my hair in long loose curls and apply more makeup than I would usually wear then call Mr. Woo to tell him I'm ready. I make sure to grab my laptop along with my work bag before leaving my room.

As usual, I'm guided through hallway after hallway before reaching their dressing room. I open the door and their previous conversations come to a halt.

"Wah Cleo, you look great." Hobi says and stands to hug me. I suddenly become shy and cross my arms over my chest after the hug.

"Thank you, so you do." I smile. They all sit down and stare eagerly up at me. I pass out 7 I pads for each of them. In each one, I've set up a program that shows them sentence structure and vocabulary while allowing them to interact in pre programmed conversations. Our rule is that within these 45 minuets, they're not allowed to speak anything other than English and each lesson I've had with them, the more talkative they become which tells me that they're learning. They all gave me a lot of praise for the idea which made me feel good about my work. Not long later, I sent them off to makeup and hair, feeling very proud of their improvements.

As the show was about to start, I took my normal seat by the screen and wished them good luck before they were sent on stage. I'm disappointed when Jungkook doesn't meet my eyes but I shake it off. He probably wants to stay focused.
They all have an unusual amount of energy in them during the performance. Each time they come off, they're eager to get back on. I love seeing them so healthy and well rested.

"The crowd was insane tonight. There was so much energy coming from them." Jimin says on our way back to the hotel.

"I agree, that crowd was electric." Tae says as he sips from a water bottle. "Oh and Cleo.." He says and I nod. "We're having some friends over for some drinks in my room tonight. You should come. Chunja will be there." He raises his eyebrows up and down.

"That sounds pretty fun actually. I'll be there." I smile.

"Wow that was easier than I expected." He huffs and I joking slap his arm which makes him giggle.

Once we get back I go up to my room to fix my self up before heading down. My heart starts to pump faster and faster as I approach the room with music already sounding from behind the door. I knock and the door immediately swings open revealing Jimin. He smirks and welcomes me in. I recognize the song playing and compliment Jimin on the music choice. Beautiful Criminal by The Big Pink pulses through the speakers as the few guests talk amongst themselves. Chunja spots me from the couch and leaps up.

"Cleo! I haven't seen you in ages, come here." She says and pulls me in for a hug. Oh how I've missed her energy.

"It's been too long." I sigh and she chuckles. We walk off to get a drink for me and I down it in only 3 gulps. She stares at me shocked before shrugging and handing me another. We walk back over to the living area where a group of 6 people have arranged themselves in a circle.

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