15: Unconscious State

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All day Jungkook and I have been making an effort to avoid each other. If I don't talk to him, I don't get annoyed. Easy as that. The 30 minuet lesson before the concert goes smoothly. Lucky for me, Jungkook is the 2nd best at understanding English so he usually never needs my help. Or RM will help him.
Unsurprisingly, their performance is outstanding. They all seem to be less tired than yesterday. I talk with Namjoon and Hobi on the way back to the house for our last night in New York.

We all watched the English version of Spirited Away, with korean subtitles of course, before heading up to bed. Jin and Jungkook fell asleep on the couch. Everyone decides to leave them be. I go with Yoongi up to our room. I think about going back to Jimin and Tae's room but I don't want to leave Yoongi alone so I stay with him, hoping Jungkook doesn't come back. I plop myself down on his bed and we chat about his desire to produce music. As usual, I don't have too much input because I don't have much experience in music producing but I ask a lot of questions and listen to everything he has to say. He seems very passionate about it and it entertains me. After he declares he's too tired to keep talking, I wish him a goodnight and fall asleep in my own bed. Before Jungkook comes in. 

The next day I wake up before my alarm and pack my bags before heading to the airport. I sit next to Hope on the plane and we talk almost the whole way to Chicago. The boys have another show tonight so everything is rushed and hectic when we get to the hotel. They barely even have time to set down their suitcases in their rooms before heading off to rehearsals. I do my best to help them prepare, though I can't do much. The thought of them preforming three nights in a row scares me. They all seemed so stressed out today and I really hope they don't hurt themselves tonight.

The boys were running behind so we didn't have time for a lesson. I wasn't even able to see them before they got on stage. When I finally arrive at the arena, everyone is running around, yelling different demands. I stop Mr. Woo as he scurries past me and ask if there's anything I could help with. A 30 minuet delay doesn't sound like that big of a deal until you've got a crowd of 70,000 people waiting for you. I'm assuming they need all the help they can get. Mr. Woo puts his hand on my shoulder and takes a deep breath. "No, no. I apologize for our mistakes and having you miss your lesson with them. It won't happen again. For that, I cannot ask anything more from you than for you to relax." He bows to me and I try to get another word in but his name is called and he rushes over to the unknown voice. He's so polite, it's almost striking. I'm not used to being spoken to like that. I decide to do the staff one better and leave the backstage area to the dressing room. I feel it's best right now to just stay out of everyone's way. My anxiousness causes me to run around the room, tidying up water bottles and folding their clothes neatly into piles. Hopefully this makes it easier on the staff who would've had to clean up later. Instead of potentially getting in the way of things by talking with the boys when they come off stage, I stay in the dressing room and work on more planning for future lessons. I want to make sure they're all doing well but I can't risk taking up their time when they're on an even tighter schedule.

Their song, Mikrokosmos, finishes and the screaming dulls to a slight murmur of noise. Once I finish my plan, I stand up and stretch before putting away my laptop and head for the door. I hope they all rest well tonight, they deserve it. I quickly open the door and almost run into Jungkook who's standing right in front of it. I take a step back and observe his state. He's drenched in sweat from head to toe. His breathing is heavy and ragged. His face holds a pale, ill expression. The fancy yet heavy looking black suit is still on his body. As well as this harness looking thing hugging his waist. Is he okay? As I'm about to ask him, he nearly falls over but catches himself on the door frame. His legs are shaking now. Panic shoots through me as I try and think of how to handle the situation.

"Hey, Jungkook. Take it easy." I put my hand in his shoulder. He needs to get out of those clothes or he's going to pass out. "You need to get these off. Now." I say and tug on his jacket. He weakly pushes my hand off and shakes his head.

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