6: All Fun & Games

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My little happy tomato song plays from my phone once again, immediately waking me up. I groan and force myself out of bed. My eyes are still practically shut as I try to maneuver my way to the bathroom. I open the door and the bright light causes me to squint even more, that's when I see a shirtless Jungkook leaning over the sink with a toothbrush in his mouth. Before I can go unnoticed, he spots me in the mirror.

"Dude." He mumbles, turning around.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." My cheeks flush and I close the door quickly. I curse at myself for not knocking and head back to the bed. I sit there with my head in my hands until I hear him leave. I knock anyways just in case. Now that I've got the bathroom to myself, I turn on the shower and get undressed. The hot water feels nice against my skin, washing away all of the sleepiness the morning brought me. I run a razor up my legs, for no reason other than because I felt like it. I know it's winter and my legs haven't seen the light of day in months but sometimes you just have to do it for yourself. After the shower, I pull on a white blouse and some black dress pants and small pumps. I'm still not entirely sure what to wear around them so I'll just go professional to be safe. I head down and see the rest of the boys sitting around the table with bowls of cereal, all still in their pajamas, some with their hair sticking straight up.

"Good morning." I enter the room with a smile, flicking my wet hair off of my shoulders.

"Good morning." They all say in unison, besides a couple. "How can you seem so alive so early in the morning?" J hope asks, his eyes still puffy due to tiredness.

"I guess you could call me a morning person." I say as I grab a coffee mug and try to figure out how to work the kuregg.

After breakfast, the boys are sent off to a studio nearby to practice for their show tonight. I was told they'd be gone for awhile because they have rehearsals before the show and they didn't need me during that so I had a couple hours to myself.

"A driver will always be available if you need one for any reason, just give me a call and I'll send one over." Mr. Woo speaks through the phone. I thank him before hanging up. The first thing I do is kick off my heels before heading back up stairs to grab my laptop and work folders and bringing them to the bar in the kitchen. I decide to use this time to create a set plan for the next week to sit down with the boys for at least an hour a day and have little English lessons. I know just hearing me speak will be helpful but I think showing them the structure of sentences and what not will help them to understand better and therefore speak better English. I organize all of the material I would need into a file and then head upstairs to take a nap. Once I'm up, I work on my online class for the day and just as I finish my mini quiz in Literature, my phone rings. It's Mr. Woo.

"Hello, the boys show will be on soon and I thought you'd want to see it so I sent a driver over to the house." It's that late already? I thank him and hang up to get ready.

My heart starts to race as the car pulls up to the back entrance of the arena. Before I leave, the driver hands me a badge to wear around my neck with the words VIP on it. I'm then being rushed through hallway after hallway. Each time a door opens, the screams get louder and louder until the final door is opened and it's like a wave of sound is being forced upon me, drowning me. The ceilings are very low with lots of metal poles supporting the stage, so this is what it's like being backstage huh? I can't help but scoff at how surreal this all is. I'm surprised I haven't had a mental breakdown yet.

"Hurry they're about to go on!" A woman shouts at me over the screams. And I follow her further back to see all 7 of the boys crouched down on some platform. Their shiny outfits all on, hair perfectly done and a smile spread beautifully across each of their faces, even Jungkook's. The sight brings so much warmth to my heart I have to fight the urge to hold my chest. This sight alone shows me how much they love their fans and how excited they are to spend the evening with them. Just then, RM spots me and points to the other boys. I wave and mouth good luck to them, my smile mimicking theirs. Why do I feel like a proud mom right now? I've only known these boys for a couple days. A countdown starts, the screams get louder and louder and soon the platform begins rise, allowing the boys to be seen by their adoring fans.

The Man You Are (BTS Jungkook) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن