33: Close Call

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I spend the next day in my hotel room, responding to emails from the agency and creating more advanced lessons for the boys. The 7 of them spend all day filming for run BTS. They asked me to come watch but I have too much to do, I'm a little behind on planning.

After being cooped up all day, I decide to grab some dinner from the cute cafe down the street. I saw it when we drove by and really wanted to see what the inside looked like. I slip into a long flower skirt and a plain white tank top, grab my heels, my new purse and head for the door. I feel like I haven't been able to make my own decisions lately, even when it comes to what I'll have for dinner or where I want to go so I decide not to tell anyone about my little outing. I walk there since it's close. The warm air feels so relaxing on my skin as I strut down the sidewalk. I'm glad it's starting to feel like summer. It's almost odd to go out without any of the boys or Chungja but I like it. I miss it. I reach the cafe and order some yummy sounding wrap and some tea. The inside is very homey and aesthetically pleasing. I sigh with content as I take my seat next to the window, waiting. Feeling good about last night as well as all the work I got done today, I enjoy my meal without a worry. About half way into my solitary dining, my phone buzzes from my purse. I pull it out and it displays a number I don't recognize.


I spent my day with a smile on my face because of last night. I feel like she's finally understanding what she means to me, that's why she chose to take the next step. We leave the location that we used to film and head back to the hotel. In the car, I chat with Hobi about the new Overwatch character.

"You seem awfully cheery today, did you sleep well last night or something?" Hobi asks and I can feel my face heat up.

"Yeah, I don't know I've just been feeling happier lately." I say and look down.

"Hey guys, lets see if Cleo wants to grab food with us. I feel bad, she's been by herself all day." Tae says, thankfully taking everyone's attention.

"Good idea, I'll go to her room when we get back." Says Jimin.

"I'll go too." Hobi speaks up.

"M-me too." I say, louder than I wanted to. Everyone nods and goes back to their conversations. I don't know why I couldn't just stay quiet. Every chance I get to see her face... I can't help but take it. Yoongi shoots me a glance but quickly looks away. I almost forgot he knew.

Once we're there, the three of us head straight to her room and the rest change for dinner. As we reach her door, I stay to the back while Hobi knocks.

"Cleo-ssi." He knocks again but there's no response. He tilts his head. "Oh? She's not in there."

"Oh don't be stupid, where else would she be?" Jimin pushes Hobi out of the way and bangs on the door.

"Cleoooooo! I'm hungry!" He says in English causing us to chuckle but once again, no answer. Where would she be? I don't think she had any meetings scheduled for today. I stay silent in the back, wondering to myself.

"I'll call Mr. Woo to see if she took a car anywhere." Hobi says, pulling out his phone. I wait, tapping my foot anxiously. "She didn't? Are you sure?" Hobi asks Mr. Woo over the phone, raising his eyebrows. "Could you please send us her number. All of us. I don't know why only Taehyung has it." He pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. "Thank you." He says before hanging up the phone and sighing. Jimin and I both stare at him, waiting for him to speak. "He hasn't heard anything from her... she's just gone. Why wouldn't she have told anyone that she left? What if she gets herself in trouble. People know who she is now, she shouldn't have done that." Hobi is clearly worried about her which is making me even more nervous. It's getting harder and harder to suppress my anxious state. Suddenly my phone buzzes with a text from Mr.Woo. Jimin's phone goes off after mine and I quickly move my fingers so her number is dialing on my phone. God, why does she have to make me worry like this? I hope she's okay.

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