26: The Confession

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"He didn't fall for me. There's nothing between him and I." I scoff.

"I may seem ditsy but I'm not blind. He's just confused. He has like zero experience with this kind of stuff."

"I'm sorry, were you not just making out with him? Why are you trying to convince me he has feelings for me?" I ask, confused and upset.

"Well... I love the guy and I just want him to be happy. You clearly make him happier than the rest of us which is why you should give him a chance." Is she crazy? She just got done telling me how he constantly hooks up with all of these girls and is trying to convince me to give him a chance? She must have me mistaken with the other girls he makes "friends" with. Just as I am about to say something rather offensive to her, Tae joins us and slings his arm around my shoulder. Oh thank god I think.

"Hey ladies, what are you chatting about?" He says.

"About how she should give-"

"Actually, I was just about to head out. My head is pounding. Would you mind walking me back up to my room?" I stop her from spilling anything and look up at Tae.

"Yeah of course. See you later Jinjoo."

I know going back to my room will just allow me to be left with my thoughts but I really can't be in here anymore.

"I can't wait for you to see your dress for tomorrow night. I picked it out myself." He smiles proudly as we ride up in the elevator.

"Well if you picked it out, I'll certainly love it." I smile back. "You guys are too kind to me." I speak my thoughts.

"Ahh, don't say that. We love you Cleo, we want you to have the best." Just then the door opens and we begin down the hallway. Once we reach my room I fumble to get my key out of my wallet and it falls to the floor. Tae immediately reaches down to grab it and I thank him before entering the magnificent room.

"Waaah, this room really is beautiful." He says peeking in.

"It is, you can come in if you'd like." I say stepping in.

"I would, but I have to get back down there. I'll come get a better look tomorrow." He says and I nod before wishing him goodnight and closing the door. I turn on a couple lamps and pull a chair from the table, placing it in front of the large window. I stare at the large tower. The golden lights make it shine brighter than a star in the dark sky. I admire the structure and glance down to watch all of the little moving people around it. I sit and take in my surroundings for awhile. By the time I get up to take my makeup off, it's already 12:30am. The boys are probably getting ready to go to sleep at this point and so should I. We've got a big day ahead of us. Once my makeup is removed and my sweats are back on, I go to turn the tv on. Just as I sit down on the edge of the bed, a loud knock sounds at the door. I jump and can feel my pulse in my fingertips. I know exactly who it is and I contemplate not answering but the knocks become louder and more frequent. I angrily walk across the room and fling the door open.

"What?!" I scream as a fuming Jungkook stands before me. He's now in an oversized zip up hoodie and black basketball shorts.

"You know exactly what." He spits before pushing into my room.

"What are you doing?" I yell at him.

"Why Jimin? Why did you kiss him like that?" He points somewhere as if Jimin's in the room.

"Why does it matter, you were clearly having a good enough time with Jinjoo."


"You can't come bursting in here trying to accuse me of something when you were doing the exact same thing. If this is all you have to say then you can leave. I don't want to hear it." I cross my arms. His jaw clenches and he balls his fists.

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