2: How Many Are There?

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"Hayoon! I can't... I can't join a freaking boy band!" I exclaim, dumbfounded by the idea.

"But why not..." she whined, "Mrs. Summers, you'd be perfect for it. You're, smart, you're pretty, and you teach English!" She counted off on her fingers.

"Thank you for thinking so highly of me, but that's a big job that someone else could do a lot better." I sat back in my chair.

"Well I kind of gave her your profile, and she kind of really liked it. I said you'd maybe be willing to do an interview."


"Hold on, hold on. She said all you had to do was answer a few questions online since she has everything else they needed. AND she knows you're legit because, because my parents helped me out a little by talking you up even more..." Her words got quieter and quieter as she finished, seeing the expression on my face.

"I don't even know their names!" I threw my hands down at my sides. The biggest boyband in Korea wanting me as their English teacher? Unlikely. Even if I did this interview for fun, I would never get hired. It would be good money though... Why am I even considering this. This information is coming from an 8 year old. Too many thoughts are running through my head right now.

"That'll be the easiest part of your job. I gave her your phone number because she's leaving today and I didn't want you to miss out on this opportunity." She said giving me a cheeky smile.

"Hayoon this is crazy. I barely even have experience."

"Anyone can see that you're a natural. You can do better than teaching a bunch of booger picking children." She says and jokingly sicks her finger up her nose, making me laugh.

"Thank you but even if I go through with the interview, there's no way they'd pick me."

"How much do you wanna bet?" There it was, that little eyebrow raise again.


I went against everything in me and sent in my responses to the questions Hayoon's cousin sent me a link to. She seemed very happy that I responded to her texts. She spoke little English, so we didn't talk for long. As I submitted my last answer, my heart started to race. It's just for fun, I kept thinking, they're not going to pick someone with such little experience. I sighed and closed my laptop. It honestly be cool just to be able to say I applied for such an absurd job.

The next day at lunch, I told Hayoon that I submitted my answers so she could be satisfied with her business arrangement.

"Well, it's been nice knowing you Mrs. Summers. Remember me when you're famous!" Hayoon laughed, feeling accomplished. Sometimes I forget she's only 8 years old. She's speaks so maturely.

"Yeah right, I'll be lucky if they even look at my name." I chuckle and offer her some of my carrots.
"They'll be lucky if you consider working for them." Mrs. Kang began, "You'll do great." She gave me a reassuring smile.

The next couple days go by rather slowly. School, classes, more school, more classes and minimal sleep in between. Soon enough Friday came rolling around. I got home from my night classes at 9:30. Even the walk from the bus stop to my apartment was grueling. I hate the cold. As soon as I enter my small living space, I throw myself into the broken down couch, lacking the energy to take off any winter garments. The whole week seems to catch up with me as I close my eyes and immediately fall asleep.

I'm awaken from my "power nap" by a notification sound coming from my laptop. I groggily sit up, sweating because of my coat that was still on, and head to my laptop which was sitting on the counter. I shake off my coat on the way and watch it fall to the ground. I'll hang it up later, I thought still mostly asleep. I allow my eyes to adjust to brightness of the screen and click on my new emails.

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