8: A Drunken State

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"Oh yeah, I meant to ask you if you've seen Jungkook around? We haven't seen him for awhile." Jimin slurs slightly.

"No, no sorry I haven't. But I do have to use the restroom, so I'll be back in just a second." I dismiss myself and head for the stairs. That Hongjoong guy keeps giving me eyes and I'm not sure how to feel about it. He's gorgeous and very charming but I'm in such a foreign situation right now. Do I flirt back or will I get in trouble? Would it look unprofessional? I shake the thought from my head, he's probably just being nice. I have to use the rail to guide me up the stairs. My head is slightly spinning as I set my glass down on my dresser before walking into the bathroom. Thankfully no one is in there because I forgot to knock but the door to Jungkook's room is wide open and I can hear people shuffling around. Was that a girls voice? The light is turned off too. The alcohol moves my feet for me as I step over to entrance of his room. I peak my head in and see a girl perched up on his dresser and him standing in between her legs. Her arms are wrapped around the back of his neck and his hands are low on her waist. The sounds of their intimate moment travels through my ears like nails on a chalkboard, making me cringe. At least they still have all of their clothes on. The girl opens her eyes in between kisses and clearly spots me. She whispers something to Jungkook and hides in his chest. He stops and turns his head around to look at me. Before he can even catch a glance, I gain conciseness and slam the door shut. Real subtle Cleo.

"Ew." I whisper to myself as I lock his door and mine. Then continue to do what I came up here to do. After I'm done, I unlock both and stand in front of the full length mirror in my room. I pick up my glass and wipe the excess makeup that began to run under my eyes. I can hear the music loud from downstairs. I raise my glass up and sway back and fourth, letting off some steam before heading back down. Champaign always makes me feel jazzy, so does wine. Oh I wish I had a glass of wine right now. The song ddu du ddu du by Black Pink is playing and just as I am about to hit the main dance move I hear doors opening from the bathroom. I stop and stand up straight. Did they really have to move to the bathroom? All of a sudden the door flies open and Jungkook takes big steps towards me, fuming.

"What were you doing there huh?" He says pointing back. "Do you know how to knock?" He shouts. My heartbeat quicken as I back up against the wall next to my bed. He stops right in front of me. My breathing is heavy due to fear. I stand silently. "So she doesn't know how to talk either?" He tilts his head. Why is he being so rude about it, like I meant to walk in on them.

"Why didn't you close your door? There's two of them for a reason." I say trying to steady my breathing. I look into his dark eyes, his face is close to mine as he stands over me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and I'm sure he could smell it on mine too. If I could back up anymore I would but I'm pressed up against the wall with my bed to the other side of me.

"You still should have knocked, Cleo." He says using my name for the first time since I've met him. The tone of his voice sends chills down my body. The ends of his silky black hair brush up against my forehead. What is going to do? Spit on me? Slap me?

"What happened to your girl." I ask, my breath staggered once again. Why is he so close to me?

"She's not my girl." He says and to my surprise, places a hand on my hip. His voice was still angry but his expression softened slightly.

"Oh..." Is all I can manage to get out. His lips are still swollen from their little session they were having just moments ago. He uses the hand on my hip to pull me even closer to him then brings his head next to mine, brushing his wet lips against my ear. Goosebumps shoot up all over my body as he whispers.
"Seeing you in my clothes yesterday... made me see a different side of you. You slept in them too. You clearly liked wearing them didn't you?" He softly bit my earlobe sending pleasure rushing through my veins. He brings his other hand and holds the other side of my face. I'm stunned, I couldn't move. I thought he hated me... all of a sudden his lips connect with my neck, giving me small, wet kisses as his hand squeezed my hip tighter. I let out a small hum. Lost in his pleasure, I allow him to continue. The alcohol is clearly getting the best of me right now, but I don't exactly want it to stop. I bet it's easy for him to compel all of those girls, I bet they love it. The sight of him with that other girl just moments before, flashes through my closed eyes. Thankfully, I snap back into reality and put my hands on his chest. I push him away from me and he stumbles back, his face still holding a small smirk. I rub my neck with the back of my hand.

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