11: Comfort

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"H-how many... 4... million?" My breathing starts to become heavy. "They didn't see my face though, did they? I was out of the shot right?" I look desperately at Jungkook for any sign or reassurance but he just shakes his head.

"I have no idea. For your sake, let's hope so." He paces which makes me even more anxious. "Shit I have to go back in there, wait here." He holds his hand out to me before entering the room again. What have I done? If Jimin or I knew they were on live, I would've never came along. The last thing I want to do is get them in trouble with their fans. I know how those dating rumors can spread like wildfire. Even the mention of a name is enough. Moments later Jimin comes through the door.

"Cleo I'm so sorry, I had no idea they were on live." He says, his features also panicked.

"I don't care about me, I just don't want them  upset with you guys. Do they seem angry?"

"No, they're just asking who you are. You weren't in the shot, so they didn't see your face. All they have is a name. I think you'll be ok. Well just tell them you're a staff member." He says which calms me a little.

"Ok yeah, good." I nod.

"Just head back to your room for now. Again, I'm so sorry."

"Jimin, it's fine. Now get back in there with them. I'm sure they're missing that pretty face of yours." I joke to lighten the mood. He relaxes and smiles before heading back in. I let out a big breath as I walk back to my room. I open up my book and read until I can't anymore before falling asleep once again.

My tomato song wakes me up at 6am the next morning. I know the boys have a show tonight. So I'll have some time to myself to get stuff done before heading over there. I study in my room for hours and organize my next lesson for the boys. Feeling like I'm going to go out of my mind if I stay in this room any longer, I call up Chungja to see if she wants to go out to eat before heading over to the arena. We meet up and head to a small cafe in downtown LA. It feels good to be back in America. Kind of weird, but good. Chungja hates it. She thinks LA is too artificial and I couldn't agree more. LA isn't my favorite spot either but it's always nice to visit. It's warm too. I can't complain about that. After being bundled up in coats and sweatpants for what seams like an eternity, the feeling of hot sun on my skin is euphoric. Even Chungja agrees with me on that. After we eat, a driver picks us up to take us to the arena. There's still awhile until the concert starts but I want to see if I can help with anything.

"Miss. Summers! I'm glad you're here early, the boys could use some refreshing before the show." Mr. Woo smiles at me and quickly guided me to a dressing room labeled 'BTS'.

"Cleo!" The boys all greet me with hugs. I'm a little taken aback but I gratefully return the embrace. I'm glad they're feeling more comfortable around me. I know I was trying to maintain a strictly business relationship with them but that's a little hard to do when you're literally with them all the time. I go over a shortened lesson of basic English phrases that they could use on stage tonight before sending them off to wardrobe and makeup. I review with them one last time before they go up on stage.

"AMIIII, ARE YOU READYYYY?" I hear them yell. I sit down and watch them from the screen. Watching them perfectly pronounce the phrases we went over makes me feel all proud and giddy inside. They want so badly to communicate with their fans who don't speak korean and I'm so happy I could help them spread even more love to even more fans.

The second show in LA was almost the same. I reviewed even more phrases and they put on a perfect performance. I've really began to appreciate all of their hard work. Sometimes they work themselves so hard, they can't even stay on their feet once they come off of the stage. It startles me but I don't say anything to them. It's not my place to critique their efforts.

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