Swinging Party // Lorde

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"I wonder; how is it that we have been dating
each other for, what, two months now again,
and we still haven't kissed?"

We're sitting right next to each other
at the window sill at my place
It's the end of summer
My face is facing theirs
The windows are opened wide
And we're rolling cigarettes while the sun is slowly setting

They smile at me
With this little smirk on their face they always do
"Well, that's a good question"

"I don't understand"

"The thing is,
The first time we met,
And then again,
It was me who kissed you first.

So basically,
all I've been doing recently
Is waiting for you
To finally kiss me already -"

So I kissed them, gently

And we made out

And we remembered the passion between us

With this hauntingly beautiful music in the background

This is a new beginning,
I can really feel it in my bones

Feels like finally returning home again

Time stands still while it's slowly turning dark outside

It became pretty clear to us that we wouldn't be able to take this slow this time,
even though we promised to

We both wanted this so badly

We were so gentle with each other


And now it's gone

And I'm sitting at the window sill,
all alone now

Not the end of summer but cold january

Smoking cigarettes on my own
While the sun is setting

With "Swinging Party" by Lorde playing in the background

And I can't stop myself from breaking into tears,
I can't hold it back this time

Because this might be one of the fondest memories I have of you

But now it's been a month since we seperated

And I am breaking apart

These were all the beautiful memories we could make till our time was over

It shouldn't be that way

We belong to each other

I wish you were here with me

I wish you treated me better

And that I made more memories with you

I'm not strong enough for this.

[30.01.23, 17:10]

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