Part 15

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Evie: What is the ONE thing I told you NOT to do?

Jay: Burn the house down.

Evie: And what did you do?

Jay: I made you all dinner!

Jay: ...

Jay: And I burned the house down.


Evie: I'm going out for a while. While I'm gone, make sure he doesn't get into any trouble.

Jay: You got it!

Evie: I could not have been more clearly talking to Carlos.


Doug: You shouldn't be using a straw.

Jay: Yeah I know, it's bad for the environment and stuff.

Doug: Yeah, but... it's a weird way to eat spaghetti.


Evie: I can't find Carlos.

Evie: I can't find Jay.

Evie: I can't find the duck tape.

Evie: I have a bad feeling about this...


Carlos: I'm tired of everyone treating me like a kid!

Jay: Here, have a juice box.

Carlos: I'm not seven!

Jay: So you don't want it?

Carlos: I didn't say that! Give it to me!


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