Part 60

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Ben: You're a loose cannon, Jay.

Jay: No, I'm not. I'm a cannon, maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?

Evie: I think you play by your own rules.

Carlos: No way, he thinks rules were made to be broken.

Ben: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.

Jay: No, I'm just a reckless renegade. Mal is a loose cannon.

Mal: *smashes a chair* Aah! You shut your trap, Jay!

Carlos: I'd say Mal's more of a cop on the edge with nothing to lose. That's an entirely different thing.

Evie: Now I'm just confused. Is Jay a loose cannon or not?

Ben: All right, put on a pot of coffee. We're gonna get to the bottom of this.

Mal: *groans*

Evie: Aw, man.


Ben: Who broke the toaster?

Evie: It was Mal.

Carlos: It was Mal.

Jay: Mal broke it.




Chad: How petty can you get?

Audrey: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.


Mal: Don't worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.

Ben: I think you mean cards.

Mal, pulling knives out of her sleeves: No, I do not.


Mal: What makes you all smile?

Ben: Friends and Family.

Carlos: Snacks.

Jay: Victory and success.

Evie: Face muscles.


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