Lonnie/Jane Part 36

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Lonnie: *carries all the groceries in both arms*

Jane: *reaches out to help*

Lonnie: *switches all of the groceries to one arm to hold Jane's hand*

Jane: That's not what I- okay


Jane, holding a fancy bottle: Is this soda or perfume?

Lonnie: *grabs and chugs entire bottle*


Lonnie: It's perfume


Jane: How much did you spend on this date?

Lonnie: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years.


*Jane and Lonnie grocery shopping*

Lonnie: Are we done yet? I'm bored.

Jane: Yes, we're done...

Lonnie: *rejoices*

Jane: With this half of the shopping list.

Lonnie: Why must you be so cruel to me?


Lonnie: Are you going to be okay?

Jane: *tearing up, while standing barefoot on a lego covered floor*

Jane: yes...

Lonnie: Do you want me to carry you?

Jane: *quietly sobs* yes...


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