Saved by Seb.

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Mick have asked me ever since the day, that he got a seat in Formula one, if I wanted to come to one of his races. It's now 2023 and I still haven't been to a race yet, so I guess it's time for me to try it out. I know he won't stop begging for me to come, until I've been there, at least once. So I decide to go the the first race of his season, In Bahrain.

Mick texted me multiple times, that he is gonna be there to pick me up, when I arrive at the airport. I have no idea, to where I'm staying or anything, because Mick said, he had fixed everything for me, so I don't have to worry. After a 5 hour flight, I have finally arrived in Bahrain. It's hotter here than I expected, but I don't mind. At all. I like the heat, the more the better. I pick up my suitcase, and went to the pick up zone, where Mick told me to wait for him.

30 minutes later..

Mick is still not here to pick me up, I have called him 8 times and texted him, at least 10 messages, but no reply's. A quick  thought comes to my mind, as Mick send me Sebastian Vettels number last summer, when he visited us at home. I decided to call Sebastian, to see if he knows where Mick is at. Sebastian picked up immediately.

Calling: Sebastian Vettel.. ... ...

"Hi Vettel." I say.

"Hey little Schumi, what's going on? Are you okay?" Sebastian always worries, even when there is nothing to worry about.

"Ehm, I just wanted to ask you, if you know where Mick is. He was supposed to pick me up 40 minutes ago, and he's still not here. I'm getting worried. If something might have happened. He usually responds pretty quickly."

"I think he's still at the track, but erm. I can pick you up, if you don't want to wait for him."

"No, thanks for the offer. But I couldn't ask that. I'll jus- I will call an Uber. It's fine Sebastian."

"Well, you didn't ask. So I'll be there in 18 minutes. I'm not taking no as an answer, you're not going into a car with a stranger, especially not here." Is it just me or is Seb getting overprotective. I roll my eyes, what is the matter with taking an Uber.

"Okay, now you just sound like my dad and Mick. But thank you, I'll be waiting here."

"Of course, everything for the Schumi's, see ya."

I hang up, letting out a sigh and letting my shoulders relax again. I look back down at my phone, as I feel it vibrate in my hand. It's my producer, I pick up on the call. She talks for 10 minutes about, how I can gather inspiration for my second song, while I'm here. Just when I think the call is about to end, my producer says.

"Oh yeah, by the way Emily. Your first ever song you've made, is already on top 10 IN THE WORLD. I also just wanted to let you know, this entire day I have had radiostations, musicians wanting to collaborate with you, calling. So when you get back, we'll have a meeting about those things. So if you drive around in Bahrain, turn on the radio, you might hear yourself on there."

The tears in my eyes are falling down my cheeks, I did it. My first ever song was a success. What if it is because of my name? What if people like hear it, because my dad and Mick? I quickly push my intrusive thoughts away. I need to enjoy this moment. My moment.

"Thank you, thank you so much." I finally answer

"No Emily, THANK YOU!" We talked for 2 more minutes, before the call ended.

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