Making up

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"Are you okay?" I ask her, as we are driving to the club to meet the others. She nods, looking down at her thighs. She is the worst liar, I have ever met. "You know you can tell me, right?" And with those exact word she breaks down. I stop the car in the middle of the road. 

She looks up. "Charles, you can't stop the car here, in the middle of the street." I grab her shoulders with both of my hands, looking a her seeing the tears stream down her face. I pull her into a hug.

I whisper to her. "I don't care, about where I stop the car, not when you're feeling like this." She accepts it and leans into me. Now crying even harder than before. I let her.

I let her, get all of it out. All of a sudden. "You broke me." My heart falls to the ground. I hug her tighter, regretting everything. "But I also can't stop loving you... I forgive you.. You could keep hurting me..  I would still run into your arms every time. But that doesn't mean you should... I love you with my whole heart. Not just you, but your family. My family loves you, I'm just hoping you love me too." I kiss her on her cheek. 

"I will always love you, endlessly, Em. What I did was the biggest mistake of my life. It will not happen again, I'm disgusted by myself over it. How I could do it to you, you have been nothing but the most perfect girlfriend a guy could ever ask for."

She looks up at me. "Let's forget it, start over, or where we left off." 

"I would love that, my love." She kiss me, as soon as the words leave my mouth. God I missed this. We continue driving to the club, now I hold her hand on the middle console and she lets me. I have never been happier than I am right now. 

We arrive and I see her hesitating. I lean over and look her in her beautiful eyes. "What are you thinking about, love?" I ask her and she looks me directly in the eyes.

"I'm so depressed Charles, everything is just shitty at the moment. I have no idea how to cope with it all." I give her a small peck on her lips and say. 

"I will be here for you through it all." She nods and then we walk into the club.

Everybody else is already here. We sit down with the others and start getting some drinks. Emily is sat between me and Mick. She down quiet a few drinks, I lean back and so does Mick. I shrug my shoulders and so does he. We are just gonna ket her, she will have fun tonight and have a chill day tomorrow. We will figure it all out.

40 minutes later.

I watch her, as her, Pierre, Lando, Alex and Lilly are dancing together on the dance floor. I'm moving myself closer to Mick. He smiles her way. "I love seeing her happy." I smile, looking up at her. 

"Yeah, me too." She sees us looking at her. Then she wobbles her way back to the table and sits down on my lap, as she always used to.

She comes back to the table, she takes my hand trying to get my up form my seat. I get up looking at her questionable. "I want you to dance with me, Charlie." She says and starts pouting. How can I not, when she asks me like this. I follow her to the dance floor, the music roaming through the room but I only hear her singing along. 

I enjoy dancing with her, but only her. normally I wont dance, but she's different. after two songs of dancing with her, I sit back down. She stays here dancing with Lando and the others.

I sit back down beside Mick. we talk for a bit, me and him have never really been talking before. But now we have something to talk about, you know with her in both of our lives. 

Mick gets up and goes to the bar. He is coming back with a bottle of water, I guess it's for her, as she is the only one of us 3 being drunk. "Thank you, Micki. I love you, you know that right?" 

Mick chuckles. "yeah, I know you do, sis. I love you too." She drinks a little bit of the water Mick picked up for her. Then she leans back on my chest. 

I throw my arms around her, hugging her tightly. She sighs loudly. I see Mick watching her with concern in his eyes.

5 minutes later.

The rest of the pack comes back to the table. Emily is still in my lap, but now just straddling me, with her head in the crook of my neck. Mick still has concern writing all over his face, but that makes two of us. 

Mick outs his hand on her back, while she's sitting on my lap. "Are you okay?" He asks her. She slowly starts lifting her head from the top of my shoulder. She looks at her brother.

"I may be depressed by at least, I have Charles!" She giggles, I love her giggle. I love everything about her.

Lando looks questioning at her, then he says. "but you're still depressed, though." 

She rolls her eyes. "But I have Charles." 

Pierre joins in with. "But Emily, you're still depressed. 

I feel her getting more annoyed, by the second. "Okay, but..."

I take over for her. "But she has me!" She smiles and gets back to hanging her head in the crook at my neck.

Mick shakes his head, smiling softly at his sister. "Do you mind taking her home? Maybe look after her until tomorrow." I nod my head. "I wouldn't mind at all."

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