The letter...

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It's qualifying day in Monaco. I decided to fly drive here after my concert Sunday. To spend time enjoying the beautiful city, just me all alone. Charles has texted me everyday, but have not gained a reply. I reply need to think wisely about this.

Both Mick and Charles invited my to their garage and I have accepted both invitations. I couldn't do anything else. As I walk down the paddock alley, I see Kika running towards me. She runs to me and gives me a big and tight hug.

"Hey girl! You look amazing. Are you feeling better?" She asks me.

I shrug my shoulders. "A 2 hour drive, with the windows down, screaming to your favorite songs, do a lot I guess." I giggle quietly. She takes my hand, taking me somewhere.

We don't get very far, before Pierre comes up to us, he kisses Kika and then he blindfolds me. I hate surprises they should know. All of a sudden I hear Micks voice, which comforts me. I know if he is here, nothing too bad is going to happen.

"Hey sis. Don't get nervous. Nothing bad is going to happen, just a little something for you." I can almost hear how my brother smiles, even though I can't see anything.

After what feels like forever, Kika says. "We're gonna take the blindfold off, but you will have to keep your eyes closed for 5 seconds after." I nod in response. I just wanna know what they're doing, now.

They take off my blindfold and I keep my eyes closed. Counting out loud down form 5.

"5..4..3..2..1." Then I open my eyes.

The first thing I see is every driver on the grid standing here, but one is missing. Charles.

"He wanted to make this special for you." Pierre whispers to me. A slow piano song starts and everyone becomes quiet. Everyone but me knows what they're waiting for.

I see him appear in the crowd, behind the other drivers. With roses and a letter in his hand. He says nothing but hands both thing to me. I smile at him, he does nothing back. I look around at the others now staring at me.

"That letter is something you need to read, like right now." Mick comes up next to me and whispers. I look back at him.

"While everybody is just standing here watching me?" Mick looks up.

"I think we should give her time to read it." Mick says, nothing more is needed to be said, everybody is long gone.

I sit down on a bench near the motorhome of Ferrari. Mick Left for a team meeting at Haas. Now I have in front of me a nervous man, walking up and down the concrete in front of Ferrari.

I look and at the letter and rose in my hands, I recognize how the turns on the roses are cut off and how they letter is handwritten. I open the letter and start reading it.

To the girl I fell in love with.
Dear Emily.

I write this with my heart in your hands. When I spend my days with you, it's nothing ordinary, it's special to me. I fell in love with you fast, but I have never meet anyone like you before. You left Italy and drive here, to Monaco. For a reason I don't know, everything that happened between us is my fault, completely. I have to act responsible for my own acts and the way I choose to do things.
I had the best time with you, in short amount of time I planned my entire life with you. You're always the one to make me happy and forget everything else. I hope you will one day be able to forgive me, trust me like before. I also wanna say thank you for spending all that time with me. Sharing your past with me. You help me fight my demons, I wish I could do the same. I know I let you down and I left you behind back in Italy. But when you figure out what you wanna do, I will be right here waiting for you.
If you don't want me back, I will understand. I am aware that I fucked up big time. I will never forget how it felt seeing you in that much pain. I will forever disguise myself for putting you in that pain. I will let you be, to think about thing, so out future can be clear.
You saved me from myself. But as much as I love you. I will let you go, if I have to. I can't ask you to forgive me, when I'm the reason we're here. But if you do want me back. I know you will the best mom ever. We are gonna live the best lives, you can imagine.
My Love... If you don't want to forgive me, I get it, it's okay. You will find someone who takes care of you and makes you happy. Because you are the most amazing girl ever. You will get married and I will be there. Just to let you know I will always love you. if you're happy with someone else, then I'm happy too. It doesn't matter if I live my life alone as long as you are happy.
Love it doesn't matter if we're together or not. I will always be proud of you. Happy for you. keep pursuing your dreams. I love you to the end of this world.

I hope to see you later at the dinner. It will always be you. Just you.
With love. C.

I sit back with tears in my eyes, so many that my sight becomes blurry. I realize I hate that I haven't forgiven him yet. "I love you more, Charlie." I say to myself, as Charles has left me alone on the bench. I take the letter and hug it with all my love. "I hope everything gets together and works out so we can be."

As I have said that, I feel a pair of strong arms wrapping around me, someone so familiar... Mick. "Hey it's okay. Give it time. He just wanted you to know, no pressure." Mick assures me.

I cry a little more. "I want to run back in his arms and then never leave his side again." I look up at my brother.

"Then do that, Mily. I will be here for you no matter what. Good times or bad." I nod at my brothers answer, but right now I'm not going to go talk to him, he needs to focus on him qualifying.

After qualifying.

Micks qualifying goes okay, ending P11. Charles on the other hand, doesn't look to good. Charles ended up Retiring his car, because of a DNF. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

It's a text from Pierre, he usually never text me.

Pierre Gasly🏎🐶.. .. Active now.

P: Hey, I don't know how everything went down earlier, but Charles really need some good moods right now. You don't have to..

E: I will try to come up with something. Thanks Pierre!

I put my phone back in my pocket and walks towards my car. I know all the drivers have meeting and media, all that crap now. So I leave quickly for the store.

10 Minutes after.

I am back in the paddock, walking towards Charles drivers room. I knock on the door and hear.

"I said let me be, OKAY!" He yells out. I open the door slowly.

"I will leave, I just wanted to give you this." I say, as I hand him pasta, ice cream and my computer with his favorite moving rolling on it. Not to forget the lilies I picked up for him on the way back.

He looks up at me. "Please stay... You can watch and eat with me, I'm on a diet you know. My favorite food isn't the healthiest." I smile at him, he's so steady and calm. I guess this is kind of a soft spot. I sit down on the floor next to him.

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