The concert

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I stand behind the stage with my producer. Taking some deep breaths.

My introduction come on the scene screen, as I stand behind the curtain, waiting for it to go up.

Here she is..... Emily Schumacher.

The crowd cheers, as the curtain goes up. I see my whole family, and all the drivers. With a ton of other people.

Hello Melbourne. *The crowd cheers again.*

The first song I will sing for you guys tonight, is one you already know. The others, let's keep that a surprise. * The crowd settles down, for me to start.

I take a deep breath before starting.

First Song. (Keeping me safe.)

Twenty-one years in our backyard. Safe in you loving arms, but what now.

Can't be in Schweiz forever. You made it all so perfect.

The longer I stay, the harder it gets to leave.

I'm strong enough to take the weight from off you shoulders.

You can't stop the changing, everyone around me is making.

I only get weaker, when you hold me back from getting older.

You made my heart, it won't get torn apart.

Let me, oh let me learn my lessons.

Someone will love me, with the same force as you.

Can't stop time from moving, too fast.

I move my gaze from my dad, he knows now this song is for him. With tears in his eyes, he smiles. And the crowds goes crazy.

Thank you, Thank you. *I look towards my piano on stage, walk over and sits down by it. *

My next song, is for a person in my life. I hold very dearly, my favorite in this world actually. Thank you for showing my your world.

Second Song. (Twins)

When we were young, we were the main ones.

Royals, how we ruled this world.

Sitting in dads car, no regrets.

I wish more than anything, that I could relive this.

Different paths, different countries, roads.

We will always in up, the same.

If I was dying, I know you would be the one to rescue me.

If you'd have an accident, I would give you my heart, so you could live.

I got you.

We go deeper than the ink, engraved on my skin.

Beneath our skin, we are both the same blood.

We're living different lives, only god knows.

If we will make it back intact.

10, 20 or 40 years, it'll be the same.

I got you.

With tears in my eyes, I look up from the piano. Mick stares at me, wiping his cheeks. I notice Charles, beside him, looking up at me, giving me a thumbs up.

People scream, and shout. I stay seated.

Melbourne, you are amazing!! * They continue to scream, towards me at the stage.

Okay, everybody. Last song for the evening, very fresh. My next song is a new one, I started writing it just 5 days ago, and finished it this morning actually. It's called "Real thing"

Third Song (Real thing)
Can this be a real thing, can it.
Are we falling like snow at the beach, we will be fucking beautiful.
Flying in a dream, starts by the pocket fold.
You wanting me.
I want to wear his initial on my neck, chain on my neck.
Not because he owns me, because he really knows me.
Feels like we have matching wounds, but yours still black and bruised.
And mine is perfectly fine, feels like we buried alive.
Something that never died, so God, it hurt when I found out.
Gold chain, beneath your shirt.
The shirt, that you let me wear home.
You got that fine hair, curly, white t-shirt.
And I got that good girl faith, and in a tight little skirt.
Then we go crashing down, we come back every time.
We never go out of style, we never get of time.
Gold on your fingertips, fingertips against me cheek.
Gold leaf across you lips, kiss me until I can't speak.

That's out there, now he knows. Everyone cheers me on, as I walk in front of my piano.

Thank you Melbourne, you have been amazing tonight. *I turn around, walking off the stage.

10 minutes after, my family and some of the drivers comes back stage.

My mother rushes up to me, to hug me first. "Honey, you are truly amazing. A beautiful song to you dad, he even cried. You know how much need to be done for that. You brother too." My dad grabbed my the arm, to get me over to him, so he could hug me.

"Okay, mom. I think she saw that. I love you sis." Mick says, getting I front of my mother, hugging me.

Lando and Daniel come up to me. "You surprised us, I mean you are a Schumi. But I didn't know you guys could sing too. Mick should give a number here and then." Daniel nudges Micks arm, as they all laugh. I hear someone behind me, who clears his throat. Before I turn around, I see the others nodding. They all hug me, Mick, Daniel and Lando tell me they will see me back at the party.

I feel the butterfly's in my stomach getting more intense, as I turn around. There he stands, with a big smile on his face, looking at me.

"Hey." I say, looking up at him.

"Hey, you."

"Are you gonna kill me, since you made everyone leave?" He laughs, throwing his head back.

"No, I just wanted to drive you to the hotel."

"Oh, thank you Sir."

"I maybe also wanted to ask you something."

"Ask, all you want."

"Who is "Real thing" about?" Here goes nothing.

"Well, it's about this guy. I'm catching feelings for. I meet him some time ago, and he just keeps growing on me."

"Oh, I'm glad too hear that. I'm happy for you Emily. Come on, we should get to the party, the others are waiting." He rushes to the car, I follow more calm. He really doesn't get it. How Can simeons som hot, be so stupid. We both are sat in the car, before he drives I say.

"You don't get it do you?" I look over at him, he does the same. Now making eye contact.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't get the fact, that "This guy" is you.." The silence grows between us, before he smirks.

"You wrote me a song?" He asks.


"Fucking Chessy." I slap his arm.

"Stop, I saw how much you enjoyed it. Just drive me to your party now. Race winner!"

"Will do, Princess."

Mick Schumachers twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now