Meeting the family

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Charles invited me back to Monaco with him, to meet his family before going to the next race that is Miami.

We board the private jet. Charles sits in the seat in in front of me. He pats on his knees, for me to put me feet there, so I do.

It's an almost 8 hour ride there, so might as well get comfortable.
Not long after I fall a sleep.

7 hours and 30 minutes later

I wake up to feel someone on my shoulder. I look to my left, to see Charles is sleeping comfortably on my shoulder. He looks cute and innocent like this.

20 Minutes later.

We land in Monaco, I gently nudge to Charles hand, that is placed on my leg, to wake him up. He wakes up immediately, when I do so.

We get off the plane, and his Ferrari Pista with the Monegasque flag on top waits for us. Charles takes my suitcase to the trunk, while I get in the passenger seat. He smoothly slips in to the car, turning to me.

"You like it?" He asks, I loved it. I smile widely, while I look around in the interior of the stunning Ferrari.

"Yes, it's gorgeous. Good choice." I look at him, as I talk. He chuckles, starting to drive. With a hand on my thigh and the other on the steering wheel, I blush at the thought of me and him together, something I never dared to dream of.

We arrive at his family's house, it's giant and astonishing. Probably the prettiest house in Monaco. I'm still sat in his car, when he comes to open the door for me. I crash out of my daydreams, looking up at the beautiful man in front of me. He reaches out his hand, for me to take it. Which I do. Hand in hand we walk towards the front door.

The nerves are slowly getting to me. What if they don't like me? What if I'm not good enough. "Don't be nervous, they will love you. I do." Charles says, as he must feel my sweaty hands, and me being more quiet than usual.

We reach the door. Charles knocks on the door three times, before the door swings open. The woman that opens the door, pulls Charles into a hug in the beat of a millisecond. I stand there beside Charles while he hugs the woman. His hand is still in mine, not letting go of me, even though he hugging someone.

They let go of the hug, when the woman notices me beside him. She pulls my into a hug too, she hugs just like my mom. "I'm sorry, I didn't think Charles would bring someone, not to say such a beautiful girl." We separate from the hug, I smile at her. "Pascale Leclerc. Charles mom." I nod.

"Emily Schumacher." She looks at her son, giving him a nod of acceptance. She walks into the house.

"Come on in, kids. I made sure all Charles brothers were home, when he came home. I hope that's okay Emily." She turned back to me and Charles.

"Of course it is." She smiles at me, continuing to walk. Charles squeezes my hand, making me look up at him. He gives me a smile, which I return.

We go to sit down in the couch in the living room. Just me and Charles. Pascale comes in with snacks, sets them on the table. "I'm gonna call you're brothers down here." She says, before leaving. I feel Charles looking at me.

"I happy I took you here, with me." He says, grabbing my thigh once again.

"I'm happy you did it too. Your mom is really sweet." He chuckles. When I hear someone tumbling down some stairs, I turn to see two men, one of them looking a lot like Charles.

The two men just stand in front of me, looking at me. Charles stands up, taking my hand, so I follow.

"Lorenzo, Arthur. This is Emily. Emily, these are my brothers." I nod, extending my hand towards them. That's when Arthur laughs, looking over at Lorenzo and Charles.

"We don't do that, in this family." Arthur says, as he comes at me with a hug, which I accept. I have always learned to be formally nice, when I'm somewhere that's not home.

Lorenzo also comes to me, giving me a hug.

"So? Charles why did none of us know this?" Lorenzo asks. Charles shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't know. I have just enjoyed out time together, and didn't really care if people know or don't." Arthur smirks and shakes his head.

Pascale comes into the living room, and alle the boys settle down in a couch. We talk about Charles F1 season so far. "So Emily, what do you do? We know you don't do racing." Pascale asks. I giggle.

"No I don't. I'm an amateur singer." I answer her, her, Arthur and Lorenzo nods. When Charles looks at me confused, his eyebrows furrowed all the way down.

"You're not an amateur singer, Emily. You are touring around the world, while supporting your brother. And while doing that, you write songs, in the time, where you not rushing around." I press my lips together, I know he's right. But I have always hated to brag. I don't feel like I'm THAT great.

"You know I'm right." He says, I smirks back at him. "Okay, so basically she's a world wide sensation, by putting out one song. She tours the same places and times as the races, so she gets to support Mick, and perform after the races. She's amazing."

I shake my head, a little smile comes across my face. I never liked the attention.

"We will have to hear one of your songs." Arthur says, before I can even respond Charles has his phone handed to them. So now they're listening to my music. Charles leans back to the couch, talking my hand, pressing onto it tightly.

After they have heard, some of the songs, they give back the phone to Charles. "Waow. It's beautiful. Amazing work, you do." Pascale says, while she smiles at me. I smile back at her.

"You're living the dream Charles, driving F1 for Ferrari, winning, having a girlfriend who makes songs about you. What's not to like about you life?" Arthur asks his brother. While he chuckles.

"The only reason, you can mention the winning in that sentence, is because of her." Charles says, pointing to me. "Bahrain was shit. but she made me work for it. Then I won I Saudi"

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