3 months later

63 2 0

Her text to Charles on this day


E: I have been debating, with myself. Back and forth on whether to do this or not, but I feel like it's only right. You are my only and first love. I will always consider you as that. I'm forever grateful for the time we have spend together, the comfort I feel when I was around you, is something I have never felt before. I will always support you from the distance and be your biggest supporter no matter what, but I think it's time to let you go, saying that hurts more then what I thought it would, but I have to accept the fact that what we had is no longer there. Don't ever feel afraid to reach out if you need to because, you can always lean on me. I love you more than anything, but it's my turn to let go. Thank you for the memories and letting me experience real love. I wish nothing but the best for you. Goodbye, my golden-boy ❤️

It hurt me a lot to admit, that I need to let him go. I don't want to, but I have to. For him and for myself. I wish I didn't have to, but I can't to this anymore. It's to hard. 

With Charles:

As I read her text, I feel myself falling apart slowly but completely. She is letting me go, she doesn't want me anymore. I wish I had never made her go this far, but I can only thank myself for this. I feel the tears fill up my eyes, as I text her back. 

My Love❤️😘💍   Active now.

I swallow a lump in my throat as I see her name on my phone. God I wished I had more time, and that I didn't fuck up.

C: My Love. I know this is all on me, I would sit here for hours, days, weeks, months even years. Begging you to come back to me, giving me another chance. I know that it is not possible. That's my own fault. You are my first and only true love too, I have loved our precious time together. And you too, you can always reach out or come over, you know where I live. I love you to the moon and back a million times. I'm sorry. Yours Charlie❤️

I sent off the text, with a heavy heart. I let her let me go. I'm the most dumb man ever and I'm a 100 procent aware. 

I just wish I had time to marry her, I would give her the world. Everything she has ever wanted, I would give it to her. 

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